Yes, Walmart lifted their mandate.
I haven't studied this in depth, but from what I've caught on the news, being vaccinated doesn't stop you from spreading the virus. So lifting the mandate on those who have been vaccinated seem illogical on two fronts: 1) If those who are vaccinated can still spread the virus then going maskless would be counterproductive; 2) A mask is fairly ineffective at keeping you from getting the virus. Its main function is to prevent a person from spreading it to others. So if those who are vaccinated can still spread it, taking the mask off would be the worst thing they could do.
The whole thing seems pretty weird. This is the first I'm hearing of this though so I may not have all the facts.
I read they are willing to pay people to get the vaccination.
They want all people vaccinated and will go to great lengths that it happens.
They said that people that are vaccinated still need to wear a mask, and what about the different variants coming out that they mention that the vaccine will not cover.
Now all of a sudden they can go without a mask.
But what changed, nothing changed.
Which testifies against them that it is a hoax, blown out of proportion, and exaggerated.
I believe that them saying that they do not have to wear a mask is a shame tactic they are using to make those that do not get the vaccine have to wear a mask which will single them out in public, and make many people mad at them for not getting a vaccine, and making them feel guilty and ashamed, so possibly they will go ahead and get the vaccine instead of feeling the pressure of wearing a mask.
But are they willing that people get the coronavirus for they can still spread it, and people die, all in an attempt to shame those who will not get a vaccine so they have to wear a mask.
But it does not matter with them mask, no mask, contradicting themselves, for they know it is all a plan to give them a vaccine that will not work to condition them for nanotechnology which will condition them for the mark of the beast.
Their plan is to move all people in to the cities where they can track them, and they want all people to have the nanotechnology in them before they are all in the cities to track them which is United Nations Agenda 21.
That is the purpose of the coronavirus scare.
They will contradict themselves for they have an agenda and whatever it takes to have that agenda come about, and the kingdom to come will come about by lies, and deceitfulness, and chaos.
You still have to wear a mask when you are vaccinated, and now they do not have to.
What has changed is what I want to know.
The new age movement is the biggest influence now which they interpret the Bible according to the occult, and evolution, and people are still evolving to be spiritual with no personal God above them.
They are setting the stage for the New Age Christ to establish peace in the Middle East with the conflict that is going on there which is why they do not want to stop it.
When the New Age Christ establishes peace in the Middle East then he will work as a man of peace, and be the biggest player on the world scene, and push the agenda of the new age movement until the world rebels against God.
They want to establish the new age movement in the world which evolution is religion, and interpret all religions that way.
The coronavirus is a joke and part of the plan.
So pack your bags if you do not live in the city for they will take all people from the rural areas and place them in the cities.
The communities will work together to fight crime in their communities, and they will watch their neighbor and the street, and the streets will be monitored by technology, and the people tracked by the nanotechnology in them by radio waves, so they do not need the police.
BLM is pushing Agenda 21 and are trying to radically shift culture.