CherieR To answer your first question, can a person have faith and yet doubt, A resounding YES!!!!( Mark 9:23-24) See what Jesus said knowing!!! IF YOU CAN!!! I believe all believers start out in this condition, the point is to grow!!! I sure did not buy into all things the Bible taught at the start! I tested!! I know!!
I should not of done that,but Jesus was most kind to endure me,even as he does to me today! ( Rom 2:4) Its one thing to believe in Jesus,to me that was the easy part,but to actually want to follow in his Word, well that was not easy! Doubt at least to me Cherie was and is founded by fear.( 2 Tim 1:7) But the world bought us up to fear,so it is really difficult to overcome this unless one really sells out to Jesus and his Word! And turns fear and doubt into overcoming believe and peace within ones self! ( Philp 4:7-9)
Check this out!! After all Jesus taught,and all the disciples saw Jesus not just say, but also do,they doubted at the end!!( Matt 26:56!!) And they were with him!!! The death of Jesus showed the disciples something they were unwilling to do!! DIE to self and LIVE to ME!!( meaning Jesus of course!) Loyalty to me is EVERYTHING!!! Either run the race to the end,or stay in the stands and watch. ( 1 Cor 9:23-27!) You must want to do it! In your mind you have to do it!
And with this mindset,and going through much testing,you WILL DO IT! A person will always do what they really want to do! You going to visit a friend for example they live several states away,but you want to see them,you go through much flying or driving with many possible hazards but when you get there,you are so glad you endured!! Same here! You will have to endure many hardships,but in the end YOU are what Jesus wanted you to be to start with!!!
You are an overcomer!!( Rev 3:21) Many perks in being one to!! This is just one of them! Faith drives fear and doubt away,for faith has the answer,there is no doubt in faith! A good body of Christ for support sure helps as well,for you must change so called friends,for you want like minded people around you now,not those who are always afraid and doubt,because that can rub off on you.( 1 Peter 3:8-12) So hope that helps sum this up a bit for you. Blessing to you!
I should not of done that,but Jesus was most kind to endure me,even as he does to me today! ( Rom 2:4) Its one thing to believe in Jesus,to me that was the easy part,but to actually want to follow in his Word, well that was not easy! Doubt at least to me Cherie was and is founded by fear.( 2 Tim 1:7) But the world bought us up to fear,so it is really difficult to overcome this unless one really sells out to Jesus and his Word! And turns fear and doubt into overcoming believe and peace within ones self! ( Philp 4:7-9)
Check this out!! After all Jesus taught,and all the disciples saw Jesus not just say, but also do,they doubted at the end!!( Matt 26:56!!) And they were with him!!! The death of Jesus showed the disciples something they were unwilling to do!! DIE to self and LIVE to ME!!( meaning Jesus of course!) Loyalty to me is EVERYTHING!!! Either run the race to the end,or stay in the stands and watch. ( 1 Cor 9:23-27!) You must want to do it! In your mind you have to do it!
And with this mindset,and going through much testing,you WILL DO IT! A person will always do what they really want to do! You going to visit a friend for example they live several states away,but you want to see them,you go through much flying or driving with many possible hazards but when you get there,you are so glad you endured!! Same here! You will have to endure many hardships,but in the end YOU are what Jesus wanted you to be to start with!!!
You are an overcomer!!( Rev 3:21) Many perks in being one to!! This is just one of them! Faith drives fear and doubt away,for faith has the answer,there is no doubt in faith! A good body of Christ for support sure helps as well,for you must change so called friends,for you want like minded people around you now,not those who are always afraid and doubt,because that can rub off on you.( 1 Peter 3:8-12) So hope that helps sum this up a bit for you. Blessing to you!
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