This short sermon was eye-opening for me. I was on other forums, talking to unbelievers a lot. This video came up, and I couldn't ignore it. I did not know that having unbelievers as friends was so serious.
I wrote down some quotes from the sermon. It's really amazing, and I hope it helps someone, as it has me.
"Christians who are unequally yoked have no heart for prayer."
"No one can be an unshackled follower of the Lord Jesus who is in any way yoked to his enemies."
"Can those who owe their all to Christ, both for time and eternity, have fellowship with those who despise and reject Him"?
"This applies to business partnerships. Disobedience at this point has wrecked many a Christian's testimony and pierced him through with many sorrows."
"If any occupation or association is found to hinder our communion with God or our enjoyment of spiritual things, then it must be abandoned."
"What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?"
"All unions, alliances, partnerships, entanglements with unbelievers are expressly forbidden to the Christian."
I wrote down some quotes from the sermon. It's really amazing, and I hope it helps someone, as it has me.
"Christians who are unequally yoked have no heart for prayer."
"No one can be an unshackled follower of the Lord Jesus who is in any way yoked to his enemies."
"Can those who owe their all to Christ, both for time and eternity, have fellowship with those who despise and reject Him"?
"This applies to business partnerships. Disobedience at this point has wrecked many a Christian's testimony and pierced him through with many sorrows."
"If any occupation or association is found to hinder our communion with God or our enjoyment of spiritual things, then it must be abandoned."
"What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?"
"All unions, alliances, partnerships, entanglements with unbelievers are expressly forbidden to the Christian."
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