Of lucky people.
Assume fate is on your side.
To cultivate the right attitude, youmust beleve that good things happen to you all he time,
not just rarely.
If you perceive life's setbacks as"business as usual", you won't bother behaving in positive ways that change your situation.
On the other hand, "if you believe you are fortunate much of the time, you're likely to exhibit behavior that makes people
more responsive to you."
Think lucky and you're more likely to be lucky! 😉
Assume fate is on your side.
To cultivate the right attitude, youmust beleve that good things happen to you all he time,
not just rarely.
If you perceive life's setbacks as"business as usual", you won't bother behaving in positive ways that change your situation.
On the other hand, "if you believe you are fortunate much of the time, you're likely to exhibit behavior that makes people
more responsive to you."
Think lucky and you're more likely to be lucky! 😉
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