Does anyone else feel as though they will witness the End of Time?

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Aug 5, 2021
FEEL you "will witness the end time"?:

Precious friends, we MAY WELL BE {since IMMINENT = Could Happen at
ANY moment,
Correct?} in the END Time of God's Dispensation Of GRACE,
Which Will Be Ended By
our Great GRACE Departure To Heaven! Amen?

(1) Should I be expecting This {aka rapture}, even as Paul Expected It in his DAY,
saying: "...then WE which are alive and remain Shall Be CAUGHT UP..." (1 Th 4:17)?

(2) Is it Scriptural that I should be "living by feelings and intuition," saying "I
KNOW this is it," I CAN SEE the "signs" Everywhere? What Saith The Scripture?:

............................ "(...we walk BY faith, NOT by sight:...)," Correct?

(3) Should I not simply obey God, By faith, and be "looking, watching, And
Patiently waiting" for The Great God And Saviour, JESUS CHRIST, Exactly AS
CHRIST, From Heaven, Directed Paul to tell us?

(2 Thessalonians 2:1; Romans 8:18-19; Romans 8:23; Romans 8:25; 1 Corinthians 1:7; Ephesians 6:12-18; Philippians 3:20; Colossians 4:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 5:5-11; Titus 2:13)

Conclusion: the alternative would be to "live BY SIGHT," experience, emotions,
intuitions, looking for "signs" {Which Denies "Imminency," Correct?}, etc. :cry:

(2 Timothy 2:15; Romans 16:25; Ephesians 1:3-9; Ephesians 3:9 =
Grace/Mystery fellowship {Romans – Philemon}, For ALL, today?)

Please Be Richly Encouraged, Enlightened, Exhorted, and Edified!
God’s Simple Will!

I do agree we should be "looking, watching, and patiently waiting for our Lord." I also know the Lord responded to the question, "What is the sign of thy coming, and the end of the world?" Jesus responded specifically to the question that was posed to him. In Matthew 24:4-14 the Lord gives his response that precedes the time of the end.

So, my point is that when we see the fulfillment of many of these signs described in Matthew 24:4-8 (false Christs, wars&rumors of wars, nation against nation & kingdom against kingdom, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in diverse places) the Lord is near. So, I am looking for my Lord as I see clear evidence of the time of sorrows being fulfilled in our world today. The time of the end (great tribulation) comes after the time of sorrows.

Perhaps part of the issue is that many who hold to the pre-trib doctrine think that no part of the time of sorrows will occur within Daniel's 70th week. I disagree with this belief. I am also of course guilty of viewing the scriptures through my own doctrinal lenses. The time of the end (great tribulation) comes after the time of sorrows.

While I do disagree with the imminency doctrine, I think both those who hold to the pretrib rapture and those who don't can watch and see the fulfillment of these signs the Lord mentioned occurring now.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2021
For a long time I have had a strong intuition (I am now 40 years old) that I will not die a natural death. I can feel deep down that I will see Christ return and the tribulation. And as world events are evolving rapidly, that feeling is getting stronger and stronger.
Pro 30:11 There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother.
Pro 30:12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.
Pro 30:13 There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are lifted up.
Pro 30:14 There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.

The last generation so you probably will see Christ return.

1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
1Ti 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
1Ti 4:3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
1Ti 4:4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
1Ti 4:5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

The new age movement which will come out at the latter times which is the last days of the last days.

The new age movement is why the world rebels against God for they interpret the Bible and all religions according to the occult and evolution and they are still evolving and do not acknowledge a personal God.

So you probably will see Christ return.

Nah 2:3 The shield of his mighty men is made red, the valiant men are in scarlet: the chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of his preparation, and the fir trees shall be terribly shaken.
Nah 2:4 The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings.

This is obviously talking about automobiles but Nahum did not know to call them that but knew chariots was a form of transportation and when we see automobiles we know it is close to God's preparation to end sin on earth.

So you probably will see Christ return.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
Jesus said two things about his second coming.
That no one knows the day or hour, not even the Son of Man.

And secondly, when speaking to his Disciples, that this generation will not pass away before they witness The Son of Man coming in the clouds.

A generation is 40 years.

That generation passed away nearly 2 thousand years ago.

Then there are those who believe the second coming has already occurred.

I figure I'll live my life as God allows and trust him to show up if,when, he's ready.
God doesn't count time as we do. In his own time.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
For a long time I have had a strong intuition (I am now 40 years old) that I will not die a natural death. I can feel deep down that I will see Christ return and the tribulation. And as world events are evolving rapidly, that feeling is getting stronger and stronger.
God tells us clearly that we do not know what tomorrow will bring.
These thoughts you have about future events are not coming from God. Direct your focus on following God's commandments and this burden will be lifted from you.

1 John 5:3
For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.

James 4:13-17
13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— 14 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. 15 Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” 16 As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. 17 So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

Matthew 6:34
34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2018
I dont know why a generation is said to be 40 years...what, its not 39 or 41?

But, if you find yourself with a loud hailer preaching in the middle of an intersection of heavy traffic probably the end is very near should you get hit by a passing car.
Dec 30, 2020
For a long time I have had a strong intuition (I am now 40 years old) that I will not die a natural death. I can feel deep down that I will see Christ return and the tribulation. And as world events are evolving rapidly, that feeling is getting stronger and stronger.
If you think that you have to change your life in preparation for the end, then you are not a good Christian. Concentrate on the now and don't stress on the tomorrow.
Matthew 6:34
34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Jul 23, 2018
The idea that we don’t know if this is the last generation is not likely in my view. Although I understand some who know the Bible well see my claim as unreasonable.

How could we still have more than a generation of signs from Matthew 24:4-14 before the time of the end? In theory, it is possible, but highly unlikely.

The fact that nations in 2021 across the globe are acting in unison and applying similar vaccine mandate policies that restrict movement and deny access to workplaces give us a clue that world government is not far off. Even Vatican City recently enacted a green pass requirement to enter and work at the small city-state.

America continues to experience rapid economic and spiritual decay and has been taken over by a communistic government. We received a record tying number of hurricanes in 2020 along with wildfires and severe flooding this year. The Supreme Court has now twice declined to block a COVID-19 mandate. Yahweh’s righteous judgements against the nations of the world are increasing in intensity. The volcano on La Palma coupled with a seismic event could easily generate a tsunami of significant size.

NATO engaged in massive war drills this past summer in the Black Sea. Nations such as China and Russia have engaged in similar drills this year. Chinese planes have recently flown through Taiwan’s airspace.

All that is needed is for a final world conflict to occur. There are different scenarios that could trigger this. The situation with China and Taiwan is one possible way a large war could begin.

The psychopaths XI Jinping and Vladimir Putin certainly would love to seize the opportunity to strike America given the right scenario.

A new global order will be established after the war, with the antichrist at its head. I’ve spent a good amount of time studying history/eschatology and I see this global conflict beginning by the end of 2021. I know most will disagree with that statement, but I don’t make it lightly. Time will either prove me right or wrong.

I know some Christians will agree to disagree with the idea we are the final generation. May the Lord continue to bless them as we continue our walk with Jesus.
I think we all see what you are seeing.

One thing to factor in;
All the rapture verses are peacetime with everyday life.


Active member
Sep 22, 2021
For a long time I have had a strong intuition (I am now 40 years old) that I will not die a natural death. I can feel deep down that I will see Christ return and the tribulation. And as world events are evolving rapidly, that feeling is getting stronger and stronger.
I have the same feeling…. Of course, I know that we will ALL see Christ’s return from wherever we happen to be when the time comes. As the song says, “I can only imagine.” :)

Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.

- Revelation 1:7 (NKJV)


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2017
Does anyone else feel as though they will witness the End of Time?
The "end of time" is a long ways away. You probably mean "end-time prophecies", and those are certainly being fulfilled. It would appear that demons have taken full control of the Western world, and are in the process of destroying everyone and everything. Also the Great Apostasy in Christendom is now evident. That will be followed by the rise of the Antichrist, which will coincide with the Tribulation. But even then "the end of time " will be a long way off.


Senior Member
May 24, 2014
For a long time I have had a strong intuition (I am now 40 years old) that I will not die a natural death. I can feel deep down that I will see Christ return and the tribulation. And as world events are evolving rapidly, that feeling is getting stronger and stronger.
In a sense, all those that are dead in Christ and all those who are still alive shall witness it together...

1 Thessalonians
4:15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive [and] remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
4:17 Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

As for whether or not I see death, I just hope I die peacefully in my sleep if I am to die first. I think I would rather die now that face another cold winter. My bags are packed and I am good to go. (I am 54, but feel and look much older. I am alone except for my cat and Jesus and my friends here at CC.):)(y):coffee:
Jul 23, 2018
In a sense, all those that are dead in Christ and all those who are still alive shall witness it together...

1 Thessalonians
4:15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive [and] remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
4:17 Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

As for whether or not I see death, I just hope I die peacefully in my sleep if I am to die first. I think I would rather die now that face another cold winter. My bags are packed and I am good to go. (I am 54, but feel and look much older. I am alone except for my cat and Jesus and my friends here at CC.):)(y):coffee:
Bless you ole buddy

We will go out together in a blaze of glory lol


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2021
For a long time I have had a strong intuition (I am now 40 years old) that I will not die a natural death. I can feel deep down that I will see Christ return and the tribulation. And as world events are evolving rapidly, that feeling is getting stronger and stronger.
I am 100% ready. Bring it!


No re-birth happened. Israel was there the whole time, they just got more support from the world. That 1948 generation has been gone a long time. It has nothing to do with prophecy or the great tribulation etc.
you're kidding, right?



in response to the op's question:

I don't know, but I do know we are at least 2000 years closer to that event :giggle:
Oct 10, 2021
We were born to witness the end of time.
Oct 10, 2021
God always ask for his people back


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
I have the same feeling…. Of course, I know that we will ALL see Christ’s return from wherever we happen to be when the time comes. As the song says, “I can only imagine.” :)

Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.

- Revelation 1:7 (NKJV)
Yes, Radius I do.

We have been told in many verses what will happen--natural disasters, plagues, wars would increase. "They will call good evil and evil good.", "Men's love will grow cold." "They will be lovers of themselves." "women and men lusting for each other--Romans 1:26,27"--it's curious how this particular vs is written--as if it is a time yet to come. Why are we given these signs? That we may be ready for what is coming on the world. The last clear sign is that the lawless one (2 Thessalonians2:8) will be revealed. But, before this happens a great falling away will happen--and it's not Christians who have stopped going to church-many have including myself, it is those who are not following and believing in God's Word." Many are leaving the church--we need to find each other! Because the World has invade the church--it is run more like a business--and man centered vs God centered.

I am disturbed how many in the church do not know the foundation truth of scripture. Couples living together, Christian parents who think they are being loving by accepting their children's friends--a phenomena happening primarily with girls--who now go by the name of Darrel and identify as a boy--at 14 years old. I've read a story of a pastors daughter at 30 who 'decides' she is a man. And has her breasts amputated and grows a beard (with the help of testostone). That woman married a man--who has'become a woman. These are the days we are living in.

Research the European Union--there building is fashioned after the tower of babel. There flag has 12 stars. Outside the building is Europa riding the bull. Europe aside from the UK has become one. Bush spoke of looking towards a 'one world order'--look at people thinking 'open borders' are a good thing. Look at the outright venom spoken against Israel in our own government--people serving in our government who are enemies of it's citizens and this country.

We need to be ready. Even in Revelation 2000 years ago Jesus said, "Behold, I am coming soon!"


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
For a long time I have had a strong intuition (I am now 40 years old) that I will not die a natural death. I can feel deep down that I will see Christ return and the tribulation. And as world events are evolving rapidly, that feeling is getting stronger and stronger.
Yes, Radius I do. ( posted this in the wrong place)

We have been told in many verses what will happen--natural disasters, plagues, wars would increase. "They will call good evil and evil good.", "Men's love will grow cold." "They will be lovers of themselves." "women and men lusting for each other--Romans 1:26,27"--it's curious how this particular vs is written--as if it is a time yet to come. Why are we given these signs? That we may be ready for what is coming on the world. The last clear sign is that the lawless one (2 Thessalonians2:8) will be revealed. But, before this happens a great falling away will happen--and it's not Christians who have stopped going to church-many have including myself, it is those who are not following and believing in God's Word." Many are leaving the church--we need to find each other! Because the World has invade the church--it is run more like a business--and man centered vs God centered.

I am disturbed how many in the church do not know the foundation truth of scripture. Couples living together, Christian parents who think they are being loving by accepting their children's friends--a phenomena happening primarily with girls--who now go by the name of Darrel and identify as a boy--at 14 years old. I've read a story of a pastors daughter at 30 who 'decides' she is a man. And has her breasts amputated and grows a beard (with the help of testostone). That woman married a man--who has'become a woman. These are the days we are living in.

Research the European Union--there building is fashioned after the tower of babel. There flag has 12 stars. Outside the building is Europa riding the bull. Europe aside from the UK has become one. Bush spoke of looking towards a 'one world order'--look at people thinking 'open borders' are a good thing. Look at the outright venom spoken against Israel in our own government--people serving in our government who are enemies of it's citizens and this country.

We need to be ready. Even in Revelation 2000 years ago Jesus said, "Behold, I am coming soon!"


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
Israel never left. All that happened was rest of world officially recognized them and their land. I don't find that to be anything OT was talking about.

The Jewish Diaspora was prophesied of in the Old Testament and we also have historical accounts. Here is a brief description.

Something fascinating to note--after they were spread throughout the world and began to return they had still kept many of their Jewish customs and even the Hebrew language--this is certainly a miracle!