We are seriously close to some event. Look at just a smattering of news stories from the past couple of weeks:
1. This story. A horrible felon let loose on a ridiculous bail amount, kills as many as he can with a car.
2. A young female singer in Daytona Fla calls for a fan to come on stage. Lays him down, pulls her pants down, and urinates in his face in front of thousands of fans. No charges filed.
3. Biden appoints an actual communist for the treasury dept. who wants to abolish all private bank accounts, that will be controlled by the government.
4. A professing male transgender is allowed in a school restroom in Virginia, and promptly sexually assaults a girl.
5. The god/man Anthony Fauci not only says you will have to get a vaccine booster every six months, but says infants and toddlers will be getting injections by Spring.
I could go on and on, but it is beyond crystal clear we are nearing the end. Christians must unite and help and encourage each other as the day draws very close.