There is was hanging out in different churches while gown up. Sunday school was not much fun because usually i did not the answers that the other kids knew. My question asked made the other kids laugh at me. The teacher would have a puzzled look on the face for a few seconds be for hushing the children's laughter. There was this Roman Catholic Church( i think it was) that the neighbor would take me to. Lets just say for now my mom was not into church. Well I will tell you the Catholics had a lot to learn to do those things they do. As you will see, I was not catholic, and had no idea how all the rules went. This was when I was about 10 years old. As I asked a priest were the bathroom was, I was soon corrected that I should call him Father. This gave my young mind an important message and I asked "why". Of course he gave me the dumbed down version for a 10 year old. He said like" well should call me father, because I work for God who is the father of heaven. and I represent him on earth." He soon regretted that when said " no you are not the father because I know God and he does not need you for me to talk to Him. Sure this is bad form to say to a Catholic priest, but I was having no of it. Also, I am not Catholic. He just waved his finger at me growling. He knew that I was right and that I had the upper hand now. Lets say I never went back there again. Actually, I was not allowed back ever again, because of some dumb thing about blasphemy and devils spawn. I guess they do not like that stuff, and I did not know what it meant. Good riddance, I did not need them telling me what I need to believe. Well it turns out the summer camp that I was supposed was part of there very same church. I started wondering how many places and things that they controlled. I figured it was a lot, and turns out I was right. At the time I did not know they controlled the food bank where my mother got some food to feed her kids. For the weak hearted readers, we can just call it a bumpy ride. After this so called ride. I had a firm knowledge of the situation. I figured I did not need that extra food. I already seen my self as a strong young man with faith to do stuff. Like get in trouble for standing up for what I believed about God. I was no push around little kid. Inside me was motivation, conviction, and faith to make a big change in this world for the Kingdom of God. First I would have to endure the hardships of the forth order. Which others like to call the 4th grade. Being back in school I soon forgot the trouble of that little issue that I had that summer. Now it was about girl chasing me or me chasing them for some reason that I do not remember. Also seem to forget about more about God. Women who needs them always running around and around screaming about something that.... Anyhow the so called 4th grade seem to be easy. even with those girls always chasing me or was I cashing the screaming about something... Over the next few year me and God doing OK we got along fine. Fast forward a few years, and I was 17 going on like maybe 30 ish. I knew all kinds of stuff and I was smart, cleaver, and oh so good looking. I mean I was... Never mind that, rabbit trail, it is not really part of the story. Well it seemed I caught someone's eye and soon this coupler that knew my mom was taking me to church, and it was not the kind that had fried chickens. In fact it had four square church as the name. Who cared I said to my self, I was forcefully be taking there against my will to this unknown location where I did not know what dangers waited for me. Turns out they meet up with the rest of group and. Oh they have a cute teenage daughter, Yay. My guard was up and I would not be distracted by some cute freckle faced girl. Focusing on the one that started talking about God and Jesus. Something about getting saved. Heaven and that remind me was that cute girl still there. Why yes, see was looking at the man talk about something. What was here name, did she like comic or books. Maybe both, well that made sense , she did look smart, and cute. She was a book reader she had a book in her hands. It was the bible. She had good taste in book. She was sophisticated young lady and i knew right then we would be a great match. She was so so very cute. oh every body is standing up. What could this be that is happening now. Seems like it was just a closing pray. Quickly reach for my coat and turning. What! she was already leaving. Maybe she is just playing hard to get. Heading in pursuit of my girlfriend, fighting thru the huh big crowed of people . To just to glimpse her getting in the wrong car with her friend. I was getting in the correct car with the parents to be drove home and dropped off. Yeah my cute girlfriend was awesome and I could not wait to tell her the good news. The next week just went by at a snails pace. Then that same family picked me up again. yay got to site next to my cute girlfriend, I was thinking how should I break the news of us. We arrived at a big building. The banner read "the power team" are something like that. Again she was running off to be with her friends. I think she already new we are a good match and she could not wait to tell her friends about us. Going inside her parents left me there to enjoy the show. It was like so cool, these real tough guys were doing all sorts of cool this breaking stuff lifting stuff. Some dude broke 8 bricks with his hands. wow I am impressed. Then every thing got quite and that big guy said" if you don't know Jesus but you want to , come on down front so we can introduce you to Jesus Christ. I was like ok. There was this feeling in there air it seemed like God want me to do this. They lead me in some pray to receive Jesus into my heart. Yeah there was something God was doing. Later we all went back to there house, and talked about me being saved. It was a joyous gathering, they was asking what did it feel like. Stepping out side to get a little peace to talk with Jesus, Holy Spirit, and God. I felt like I heard Jesus maybe said something spiritual in my mind then I said back to then voice "Jesus" which he replied "My Sheep Know my voice" At that point the deal was done I really felt saved and knew Jesus from then till now. A few weeks later I was going to meet the Holy Spirit, but that is a different Story . Yeah I got the girl, and felt worthy of her affection. No Catholic were actually harmed in this dramatisation. All supernatural event were left out do to.....
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