Seeking guidance from God and his family of man. I hope to gain insight and share what little I know to help someone else. Just one question: Having traveled a rough path through 75 years of life it just seems so hard with all these tribulations, sorrows, challenges, and uphill struggles. Is it just me or is this normal for a Christian? I don't know.
Welcome. "In the world, you have tribulation". Also, "Through tribulation, you enter the kingdom of God". Paul said that our afflictions, which he described as light, produce an eternal weight of glory.
I'm not far behind you, 70. I was born again 50 years ago. The problem that a lot of people suffer is independence. Even after we are saved, we imagine that we can live the Christian life in our own strength. It was a great shock to me when I realised that I could not. The harder I tried, the more I messed up. Eventually, I saw that Lord Jesus is not just a ticket to heaven when I die. He is my Lord and my Life. Those are just words to a lot of people. It is reality to me.
A little while ago, I began to think that my troubles were behind me. Then I became very ill with pancreatitis. I ended up in hospital. It can be life threatening. It was painful, the treatment uncomfortable and COVID meant that visits were very limited. However, I was not alone. The whole time I was at peace. Life has its storms. When Lord Jesus is in the "boat", it is unsinkable!
For many years, I was strong in myself. God used circumstances to weaken me so that I could become strong in Christ. God allowed me to go my own way many times. I found out that my ways are not God's ways, and His ways are infinitely better.
We also have the enemy of our souls, Satan. He tries to discourage us and cause us to lose heart. However, if we will resist the devil, he must flee. Our battles make us stronger in spirit. If we want to be Kingdom Christians, we must be strong in the Lord, not in ourselves.
The military grades troops. There are raw recruits, who are unsafe to send into combat. There are the well trained, with no combat experience. They are sent to battle. They become combat hardened, those who can be depended on in battle. They won't turn and run at the first sign of the enemy. God works in us to make us ready for the spiritual war that is raging. We should not seek trouble. However, when it comes (and it will) we should not shrink from it either. James says to consider it all joy when we face various trials. (James 1:2). Peter says that our faith is being refined like gold (1 Peter 1: 5 & 6)
So your life experiences are normal for a believer. I look back at times and all I see is a mess. Yet people I've known for a long time tell me how much I have changed. I don't see it so much. One day all will be made clear. Until that day, we just keep on trusting the Lord with our lives.