I would have hanging baskets of spider plants
the baskets would be light weight but hung in a way that they are easy to water and dont drip over your carpet
and the holders would be hand woven macrame so it looks like the spider plants are hanging from a beautiful cobweb
Id have little speech balloons over each that say 'Im hungry, feed me' or 'Im a breath of fresh air'
The baskets would hang from the ceiling of the shop along with my flower umbrellas that when opened look like flowers
so when its rainy you have a rays of sunshine from your umbrellas.
There will also be already beutifully wrapped gifts in boxes that you dont know whats inside. Each will say on the tag who they are for eg for mum, for my big sister, for my cheeky little brother, for a faithful friend, for anew arrival etc and it will be a surprise when they recieve it and open it whatever is inside will be just exactly for them.