Jesus said in Mt 26:29 and Mk 14:25 say, " I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine until I drink it new in the kingdom of God," and some translations say, "again," and Luke 22:18 say, "from now on."
Job 32:19 Elihu compares his belly (heart) to a new wineskin filled with wine, "Behold, my belly is like unvented wine; it is about to burst like a new wineskin."
And Mk 2:22 instructs us regarding the error of putting new wine into old wineskins which burst more readily than new wineskins. So, wine is to be put into proper wineskins anticipating its fermentation.
Three witnesses of fermented wine that Jesus drank.
Job 32:19 Elihu compares his belly (heart) to a new wineskin filled with wine, "Behold, my belly is like unvented wine; it is about to burst like a new wineskin."
And Mk 2:22 instructs us regarding the error of putting new wine into old wineskins which burst more readily than new wineskins. So, wine is to be put into proper wineskins anticipating its fermentation.
Three witnesses of fermented wine that Jesus drank.
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