Ok so I'm a 16 year old male and I am currently dating an atheist girl. We seem to agree on most topics, moral and surface level, except for religion. This has thrown a huge wrench in the relationship. I am very keen on people's sexual purity; no sex before marriage, no running around in skimpy outfits, etc., it's probably the thing I'm sternest on. Because she is not religious, she doesn't align in those morals. Before we were together, she had pictures of her in bikinis plastered all over her social medias (she has about 1000 followers and a public account), which she took down at my request. She also constantly wears crop-tops, very short shorts, and otherwise extremely skimpy outfits. These would typically be reasons for me to put an end to things, but she's genuinely the most kind girl I've ever dated, and she likes me more than any girl I've ever dated, which makes doing that very difficult. Anyone care to give their two cents on the issue, and what I should do?
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