Do you observe the Sabbath?

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2022
* the command for Israel to keep the Sabbath. only them. not gentiles.
The way I see the whole of scripture is that GOD revealed His will to Adam and Eve in the garden when they walked in the cool of the day and on Sabbaths (How many, I know not.). As a good Father, He related to His children how to conduct themselves and to walk in the character of Himself.
As, men multiplied on the face of the earth they apostatized from what GOD taught their Forefathers.

GOD called Abraham and He responded in faith, listening to GOD and learning from Him, just as Adam and Eve had.

GOD allowed the Tribes of Israel to go into severe bondage and then bring them out with a mighty hand to reveal Himself not only to the nation of Israel but to make His Name Great in the nations round about.

He gave them the Law, because of transgression and to order and structure a carnal people.

These laws were the heart of GOD, what He wanted to see His people that would posses His Name and Presence to walk in that He could reveal Himself to the whole world.

All of the laws concerning the Levites and the sacrifices were fulfilled in the life and death of Christ Jesus.

Jesus came to take away our transgressions of the Law by offering Himself as the Lamb of GOD (an Old Testament concept in the New.) to be the Blood Sacrifice.

At sundry times GOD winked at the ignorance and disobedience, while He was focusing on magnifying His Name, His ways, and His benefits in the People of Israel (as an example, But now He commands all men every where to Repent of the transgression of His Law in the known will in the 10 commandments.

I see the New Testament as a continuation of the Revealing of GOD and HIS will, with the fulfilling of the Levitical priesthood and the sacrificial system being fulfilled in Christ.

The story of the exodus and the righteousness of the Law being available to all because of His work.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2014
God made man on the sixth day and rested from His work on the seventh. I don't believe He rested until He had made them garments of skin to clothe them. And similarly, God marked the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt with the ordination of the Passover Lamb.

This is the day that we are to remember, the day of the finished work of God, and the seventh day is a shadow of that day.
Oct 28, 2022
I didn’t know that about the Waldensians! I’m going to have to read into them when I’m on break. God is amazing. Praise God. :)
Written by the Catholics, against the Cathars & Waldenses.

[LATIN Original]


Venerabilis Patris Monetæ Cremonensis ordinis prædicatorum S. P. Dominico Æqualis adversus Catharos et Valdenses libri quinque: Quos ex manuscriptis codd. Vaticano, Bononiensi, ac Neapolitano (Rome: 1743; reprinted, Ridgewood, N.J.: 1964), pp. 475-477. -

"... CAPUT X.

De illo mandato : Memento ut diem Sabbati sanctifices. Exodi 20. v. 8.


De Sabbato, & de die Dominico.

Transeamus ad decimum caput, & videamus de hoc mandato: Memnto ut diem Sabbati sanctifices. Istud mandatum ad literam servabant Judaei; una causa quare Dominus praecepit eis Sabbatum observandum, fuit haec, scilicet, ut essent memores inchoationis mundi, ne dicerent mundum coaeternum Deo; unde Exodi 31.v.16. Custodiant filii Israel Sabbatum, & celebrent illud in generationibus fuis. Pactum est sempiternum (v. 17.) inter me, & filios Israel, signumque perpetuum; postea subdit causam quam dixi, eodem verse. Sex enim diebus fecit Dominus caelum & terram, & in septimo ab opere cessavit. Secunda causa quare Dominus illud praecepit eis, fuit, ut essent memores illius beneficii quo eduxit eos Dominus de servitute Aegypti, in qua non poterant sabbatizare, id est quietem habere, ut habetur Exodi v. 18. & seq. Istam causam ponit Dominus Deutor. 5. v. 15. Memento quod & ipse servieris in Aegypto, & eduxerit te inde Dominus Deus tuus in manu forti, & brachio extento; & (page 475-476) addidit eod. vers. Idcirco praecepit tibi, ut observares diem Sabbati.

Antequam ulterius procedamus, respondendum est cuidam objectioni Judaeorum qui dicunt nos esse transgressores illius mandati; cum dicatur Exod. 31. v. 16. & 17. quod sempiternum sit atque perpetuum. Si autem dicamus eis, non esse datum illud mandatum nobis ad literam, quia tantum Judaeis datum est; objicient de Apostolis, qui Judaei fuerent, & tamen illud non observaverunt.

Solutio: Ubi nos habemus sempiternum, ibi habent in seculum; quod autem istud finem habeat aliquando, patet Exodi 21. v. 1. & seq. ubi de servo hebraeo, qui non vult egredi liber anno septimo v. 6. Et erit ei servus in seculum; & est sensus usque ad Jubilaeum; sic ergo habes o Judae quod sempiternum vel perpetuum non semper privat fine. Ita sumitur Exodi 31. & Genes. 17. de circumcisione.

Praeterea, Dominus sabbati exemit nos ab illo mandato, ut patet Marci 2. v. 28. ubi dicitur: Itaque Dominus est filius hominis, etiam sabbati.

Praeterea, signum fuit & figura sabbati spiritualis in populo Christiano, unde signato veniente, debet cessare signum; quod autem signum sit, patet ex praedictis verbis Exodi 31. Sciendum autem quod sicut Judaei sabbatum observant, ita etiam nos observamus diem Dominicum, hoc excepto, quod illi abstinebant ab aliquibus in sabbato, a quibus nos non abstinemus in die Dominico: [*] quem diem nos observamus ex constitutione Ecclesiae: & ob reverentiam Christi, qui illo die (I) natus est; illo die (2) resurrexit: illo die Spiritum Sanctum misit [*]. Si enim Judaeis indictum est servare sabbatum in memoriam beneficii liberationis materialis, ad honorem liberatoris; cur non licebit Ecclesiae connstituere illum diem esse sestivum ad honerm Christi, & in memoriam liberationis spiritualis de servitute diaboli facta per Christum? Item Judaei sabbatizabant, ut Legi Veteri vacarent, quae neminem duxit ad perfectum statum aeternae liberationis, quare non vacabit Ecclesia Dei die Dominico, ut vacet Evangelio quod ducit ad perfectum, id est statum aeternae beatitudinis? alias etiam festivitates servamus ex con- (page 476 left hand to 476 right hand) stitutione Ecclesiae, id est veneratione sanctorum & in memoriam ipsorum, id est ut memores simus operum eorum ad faciendum ea. Ecce quam rationabilis causa institutionis Ecclesiae; quod autem ipsa constituere possit, patet supra cap. 6. hujus partis.

Contra istud objicit haereticus, scilicet Catharus & Valdensis id quod habetur ad Galatas 4. v. 10. Dies observatis, & menses, & tempora, & annos; & subdit v. 11. Timeo, ne forte sine causa, id est fructu, laboraverim in vobis; Ergo peccatum est observare dies.

Item ad Collossenses 2. v. 17. Nemo ergo vos judicet in cibo, aut in potu, aut in parte diei festi, aut neomeniae, aut sabbatorum.

Solutio : Apostolus arguebat eos qui Judaizabant, (3) id est more Judaeorum illa observabant, quae praecepta erant in lege Domini, propter quod etiam observabant circumcisionem; unde eos arguens dicit cap. 5. v. 1. Quoniam si circumcidamini, Christus vobis nibil proderit. Item v. 2. Testificor autem rursus omni homini circumcidenti se, quoniam debitor est universae legis faciendae. Dicit ergo eis increpans eos: Dies observatis, id est sabbata, & neomeniam, id est novam lunam, initium, scilicet, lunationis, & decimam quartam diem a vespera usque ad vigesimam primam ejusdem mensis, quando azyma comedebant. Menses etiam observabant, scilicet mensem setpimum, quia in eo observabant primam diem. Item decimam quintam usque ad vigesimam secundam diem, ut habetur Numer. 29. v. I. 12., & seq. & dicitur ista festivitas Scenopegia. Tempora etiam observabant, ter in anno venientes jerosolymam, credentes implere praeceptum illud Exodi 23. v. 17. Ter in anno apparebit omne masculinum tuum coram Domino Deo tuo. Annos etiam observabant, scilicet septimum annum, & quinquagesimum, qui dicitur Jubilaeus, de quibus habetur Levitici 25. v. 4. & 10. Similiter quod dicitur ad Collossens. 2. Nemo ergo vos judicet in cibo aut in potu, aut in parte diei festi, scilicet Judaici; unde etiam diem festum per partem exponens ait: aut neomenia, (page 476-477) aut Sabbatorum. Dies ergo festi Judaici non sunt observandi, sed dies ab Ecclesia instituti, ut dictum est. (4). ..."
Oct 28, 2022
I didn’t know that about the Waldensians! I’m going to have to read into them when I’m on break. God is amazing. Praise God. :)
Written by the Catholics, against the Cathars & Waldenses.

[ENGLISH Google Translation]


Regarding that commandment: Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy. Exodus 20 v. 8.

§ unique

On Saturday and on Sunday

Let us pass on to the tenth chapter, and let us see about this commandment: Remember to sanctify the Sabbath day. The Jews kept this command to the letter; one reason why the Lord commanded them to observe the Sabbath was this, namely, that they might remember the beginning of the world, lest they should say that the world was coeternal with God; hence Exodus 31.v.16 Let the children of Israel keep the Sabbath, and celebrate it in former generations. There is an everlasting covenant (v. 17.) between me and the children of Israel, and a perpetual sign; afterwards he adds the cause which I have said, in the same verse. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh he ceased from work. The second reason why the Lord commanded them to do so was that they might remember the favor by which the Lord brought them out of slavery in Egypt, in which they could not sabbath, that is, to have rest, as is stated in Exodus v. 18. & seq. The Lord in, Deuteronomy, gives this reason. 5. v. 15. Remember that you yourself served in Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from there with a strong hand and an outstretched arm; & (pages 475-476) he added verse, Therefore he commanded you to observe the Sabbath.

Before we proceed further, we must answer a certain objection of the Jews, who say that we are transgressors of that commandment; when it is said Exod. 31. v. 16. & 17. that it is everlasting and everlasting. But if we tell them that that command was not given to us literally, because it was only given to the Jews; They will object of the apostles, who were Jews, and yet did not observe it.

Solution: Where we have everlasting, there they have eternal; But that this will have an end at some time is clear from Exodus 21:5. 1. & following. where the book about the Hebrew servant who does not want to go out in the seventh year v. 6. And he shall be his servant for ever; And there is a sense until the Jubilee; So you have, O Judah, that the eternal or eternal does not always lack an end. Thus is taken Exodus 31. & Genes. 17. of circumcision.

Further, the Lord exempted us from that commandment on the Sabbath, as is clear from Mark 2:28. where it is said: Therefore the son of man is Lord, even of the Sabbath.

Further, it was a sign and a figure of the spiritual Sabbath among the Christian people, whence coming from the sign, the sign must cease. and that it is a sign is clear from the aforesaid words of Exodus 31. It should be known that just as the Jews observe the Sabbath, so we also observe Sunday, with the exception that they abstained from certain things on the Sabbath, from which we do not abstain on Sunday: [*] which day we observe from the constitution of the Church: and out of reverence for Christ, who was born on that day (1); and on that day (2) he rose again: and on that day he sent the Holy Spirit [*]. For if the Jews were instructed to keep the Sabbath in memory of the benefit of worldly deliverance, in honor of the deliverer; Why is it not permissible for the Church to establish that day as a memorial to the honor of Christ, and in memory of the spiritual liberation from the slavery of the devil through Christ? Likewise, the Jews used to rest in order to be free from the Old Law, which did not lead anyone to the perfect state of eternal liberation. We also keep other festivals from the (page 476 left hand to 476 right hand) constitution of the Church, that is, in veneration of the saints and in their memory, that is, that we may be mindful of their works to do them. Behold, what a reasonable cause for the institution of the Church; But what she can establish is clear above ch. 6. of this part.

Against this, the heretics, namely the Cathars and the Waldenses, objects to what is said in Galatians 4 v. 10. Observed days, and months, and seasons, and years; And adds v. 11. I am afraid lest perhaps I should have labored among you without cause, that is, with fruit; Therefore it is a sin to observe the days.

Also to the Colossians 2. v. 17. Therefore let no one judge you in food, or in drink, or in part of the day of the feast, or of the new Moons, or of the Sabbaths.

Solution: The apostle was accusing those who were Judaizing, (3) that is, they were observing the custom of the Jews, which were precepts in the law of the Lord, for which reason they were also observing circumcision. whence, accusing them, he says ch. 5. v. 1. For if you are circumcised, Christ will benefit you greatly. Also v. 2. Now I testify again to every man who circumcises himself, that he is a debtor to the fulfil the whole law. Then he said to them, rebuking them: The day you observe, that is the Sabbath, and the neomenia, that is the new moon, the beginning, that is, of the lunation, and the fourteenth day from evening until the twenty-first of the same month, when they ate unleavened bread. They also observed the months, namely the seventh month, because in it they observed the first day. Also from the fifteenth to the twenty-second day, according to Num. 29. v. I. 12., & following. And this festival is called the Feast of Tabernacles. They also observed the seasons, coming three times a year to Jerusalem, believing that they were fulfilling that commandment of Exodus 23:17. Three times a year all your males will appear before the Lord your God. They also observed the years, namely the seventh year and the fiftieth, which is called the Jubilee, of which we have Leviticus 25. v. 4. & 10. The same is said of Colossians. 2. Therefore no one will judge you in food or drink, or in any part of the feast day, that is, the Jews; whence also, expounding the feast day by part, he says: either the New Year's Day, (page 476-477) or the Saturdays. Therefore, the days of the Jewish holidays are not to be observed, but the days established by the Church, as has been said. (4). ...”


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2022
I'm just curious. Not accusing of anything. But for those who feel the 7th day sabbath should be exercised: do you also believe you should be working 6 days a week? As a part of the commandment it says...6 days shalt thou labor...Exodus 20:9.
Oct 28, 2022
I'm just curious. Not accusing of anything. But for those who feel the 7th day sabbath should be exercised: do you also believe you should be working 6 days a week? As a part of the commandment it says...6 days shalt thou labor...Exodus 20:9.
Work should done 7 days a week. Just differing type of work.

Exo 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Exo 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
Exo 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
Exo 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

To "keep" the sabbath of the LORD "holy" requires a sacred work, separate and distinct from common every other day (1-6) work.

Joh_5:17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.

Mat_12:5 Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless? (arguing from their false perspective, accusation)

Also, God's word is non-contradictory,

Joh_10:35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

For it is also said that even on common days, there were sacred feasts that landed on them, and in those common work days become sacred feast days, there were commands to rest,

Lev_16:29 And this shall be a statute for ever unto you: that in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, ye shall afflict your souls, and do no work at all, whether it be one of your own country, or a stranger that sojourneth among you:

Lev_23:7 In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.

Lev_23:8 But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven days: in the seventh day is an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2022
Work should done 7 days a week. Just differing type of work.

Exo 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Exo 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
Exo 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
Exo 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

To "keep" the sabbath of the LORD "holy" requires a sacred work, separate and distinct from common every other day (1-6) work.

Joh_5:17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.

Mat_12:5 Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless? (arguing from their false perspective, accusation)

Also, God's word is non-contradictory,

Joh_10:35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

For it is also said that even on common days, there were sacred feasts that landed on them, and in those common work days become sacred feast days, there were commands to rest,

Lev_16:29 And this shall be a statute for ever unto you: that in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, ye shall afflict your souls, and do no work at all, whether it be one of your own country, or a stranger that sojourneth among you:

Lev_23:7 In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.

Lev_23:8 But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven days: in the seventh day is an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.
So you do or don't do servile work six days a week?


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2022
Written by the Catholics, against the Cathars & Waldenses.

[LATIN Original]


Venerabilis Patris Monetæ Cremonensis ordinis prædicatorum S. P. Dominico Æqualis adversus Catharos et Valdenses libri quinque: Quos ex manuscriptis codd. Vaticano, Bononiensi, ac Neapolitano (Rome: 1743; reprinted, Ridgewood, N.J.: 1964), pp. 475-477. -

"... CAPUT X.

De illo mandato : Memento ut diem Sabbati sanctifices. Exodi 20. v. 8.


De Sabbato, & de die Dominico.

Transeamus ad decimum caput, & videamus de hoc mandato: Memnto ut diem Sabbati sanctifices. Istud mandatum ad literam servabant Judaei; una causa quare Dominus praecepit eis Sabbatum observandum, fuit haec, scilicet, ut essent memores inchoationis mundi, ne dicerent mundum coaeternum Deo; unde Exodi 31.v.16. Custodiant filii Israel Sabbatum, & celebrent illud in generationibus fuis. Pactum est sempiternum (v. 17.) inter me, & filios Israel, signumque perpetuum; postea subdit causam quam dixi, eodem verse. Sex enim diebus fecit Dominus caelum & terram, & in septimo ab opere cessavit. Secunda causa quare Dominus illud praecepit eis, fuit, ut essent memores illius beneficii quo eduxit eos Dominus de servitute Aegypti, in qua non poterant sabbatizare, id est quietem habere, ut habetur Exodi v. 18. & seq. Istam causam ponit Dominus Deutor. 5. v. 15. Memento quod & ipse servieris in Aegypto, & eduxerit te inde Dominus Deus tuus in manu forti, & brachio extento; & (page 475-476) addidit eod. vers. Idcirco praecepit tibi, ut observares diem Sabbati.

Antequam ulterius procedamus, respondendum est cuidam objectioni Judaeorum qui dicunt nos esse transgressores illius mandati; cum dicatur Exod. 31. v. 16. & 17. quod sempiternum sit atque perpetuum. Si autem dicamus eis, non esse datum illud mandatum nobis ad literam, quia tantum Judaeis datum est; objicient de Apostolis, qui Judaei fuerent, & tamen illud non observaverunt.

Solutio: Ubi nos habemus sempiternum, ibi habent in seculum; quod autem istud finem habeat aliquando, patet Exodi 21. v. 1. & seq. ubi de servo hebraeo, qui non vult egredi liber anno septimo v. 6. Et erit ei servus in seculum; & est sensus usque ad Jubilaeum; sic ergo habes o Judae quod sempiternum vel perpetuum non semper privat fine. Ita sumitur Exodi 31. & Genes. 17. de circumcisione.

Praeterea, Dominus sabbati exemit nos ab illo mandato, ut patet Marci 2. v. 28. ubi dicitur: Itaque Dominus est filius hominis, etiam sabbati.

Praeterea, signum fuit & figura sabbati spiritualis in populo Christiano, unde signato veniente, debet cessare signum; quod autem signum sit, patet ex praedictis verbis Exodi 31. Sciendum autem quod sicut Judaei sabbatum observant, ita etiam nos observamus diem Dominicum, hoc excepto, quod illi abstinebant ab aliquibus in sabbato, a quibus nos non abstinemus in die Dominico: [*] quem diem nos observamus ex constitutione Ecclesiae: & ob reverentiam Christi, qui illo die (I) natus est; illo die (2) resurrexit: illo die Spiritum Sanctum misit [*]. Si enim Judaeis indictum est servare sabbatum in memoriam beneficii liberationis materialis, ad honorem liberatoris; cur non licebit Ecclesiae connstituere illum diem esse sestivum ad honerm Christi, & in memoriam liberationis spiritualis de servitute diaboli facta per Christum? Item Judaei sabbatizabant, ut Legi Veteri vacarent, quae neminem duxit ad perfectum statum aeternae liberationis, quare non vacabit Ecclesia Dei die Dominico, ut vacet Evangelio quod ducit ad perfectum, id est statum aeternae beatitudinis? alias etiam festivitates servamus ex con- (page 476 left hand to 476 right hand) stitutione Ecclesiae, id est veneratione sanctorum & in memoriam ipsorum, id est ut memores simus operum eorum ad faciendum ea. Ecce quam rationabilis causa institutionis Ecclesiae; quod autem ipsa constituere possit, patet supra cap. 6. hujus partis.

Contra istud objicit haereticus, scilicet Catharus & Valdensis id quod habetur ad Galatas 4. v. 10. Dies observatis, & menses, & tempora, & annos; & subdit v. 11. Timeo, ne forte sine causa, id est fructu, laboraverim in vobis; Ergo peccatum est observare dies.

Item ad Collossenses 2. v. 17. Nemo ergo vos judicet in cibo, aut in potu, aut in parte diei festi, aut neomeniae, aut sabbatorum.

Solutio : Apostolus arguebat eos qui Judaizabant, (3) id est more Judaeorum illa observabant, quae praecepta erant in lege Domini, propter quod etiam observabant circumcisionem; unde eos arguens dicit cap. 5. v. 1. Quoniam si circumcidamini, Christus vobis nibil proderit. Item v. 2. Testificor autem rursus omni homini circumcidenti se, quoniam debitor est universae legis faciendae. Dicit ergo eis increpans eos: Dies observatis, id est sabbata, & neomeniam, id est novam lunam, initium, scilicet, lunationis, & decimam quartam diem a vespera usque ad vigesimam primam ejusdem mensis, quando azyma comedebant. Menses etiam observabant, scilicet mensem setpimum, quia in eo observabant primam diem. Item decimam quintam usque ad vigesimam secundam diem, ut habetur Numer. 29. v. I. 12., & seq. & dicitur ista festivitas Scenopegia. Tempora etiam observabant, ter in anno venientes jerosolymam, credentes implere praeceptum illud Exodi 23. v. 17. Ter in anno apparebit omne masculinum tuum coram Domino Deo tuo. Annos etiam observabant, scilicet septimum annum, & quinquagesimum, qui dicitur Jubilaeus, de quibus habetur Levitici 25. v. 4. & 10. Similiter quod dicitur ad Collossens. 2. Nemo ergo vos judicet in cibo aut in potu, aut in parte diei festi, scilicet Judaici; unde etiam diem festum per partem exponens ait: aut neomenia, (page 476-477) aut Sabbatorum. Dies ergo festi Judaici non sunt observandi, sed dies ab Ecclesia instituti, ut dictum est. (4). ..."
I can't read latin?


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2022
I'm just curious. Not accusing of anything. But for those who feel the 7th day sabbath should be exercised: do you also believe you should be working 6 days a week? As a part of the commandment it says...6 days shalt thou labor...Exodus 20:9.
Not necessarily hard labor, but the weekly labor of sustaining a living.
Mar 4, 2020
I'm just curious. Not accusing of anything. But for those who feel the 7th day sabbath should be exercised: do you also believe you should be working 6 days a week? As a part of the commandment it says...6 days shalt thou labor...Exodus 20:9.
Like the other commandments, Jesus expanded on them or defined them correctly. The Sabbath is not an exception.

I normally just think of what Jesus demonstrated acceptable work is on the Sabbath, it's actually quite broad. Jesus and his disciples gathered wheat, read the Scripture, did at least one recorded miracle that I recall, and authorized someone to pick up his bed.

The Sabbath, in my opinion, is pretty easy to keep and most of it I do anyway. Just keep it holy, be prayerful, do good, and so on. For a Christian, this should be a 7 day a week thing anyway.

The Sabbath is a particularly less worldly day, though, and I treat it as such. There are some worldly things I can do that aren't sins, but I may actually avoid them on the Sabbath completely. That's how it makes sense to me and it's a way to keep it holy.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2022
Like the other commandments, Jesus expanded on them or defined them correctly. The Sabbath is not an exception.

I normally just think of what Jesus demonstrated acceptable work is on the Sabbath, it's actually quite broad. Jesus and his disciples gathered wheat, read the Scripture, did at least one recorded miracle that I recall, and authorized someone to pick up his bed.

The Sabbath, in my opinion, is pretty easy to keep and most of it I do anyway. Just keep it holy, be prayerful, do good, and so on. For a Christian, this should be a 7 day a week thing anyway.

The Sabbath is a particularly less worldly day, though, and I treat it as such. There are some worldly things I can do that aren't sins, but I may actually avoid them on the Sabbath completely. That's how it makes sense to me and it's a way to keep it holy.
I appreciate all those answers but my question isn't how you keep the sabbath but whether or not you keep the command to work the other 6 days--not spiritual work, but gainful employment or do you work fewer than 6 days at your job?
Mar 4, 2020
I appreciate all those answers but my question isn't how you keep the sabbath but whether or not you keep the command to work the other 6 days--not spiritual work, but gainful employment or do you work fewer than 6 days at your job?
Personally I don't, but manual labor isn't forbidden on the Sabbath in order to put bread on the table. Jesus demonstrated that when he and the 12 gathered wheat on the Sabbath. Pretty sure God doesn't want anyone to go hungry since the Sabbath was made for man.

When Jesus did work on the Sabbath, do you say he did what was right or did he break it?

Mark 2
23One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and as his disciples walked along, they began to pick some heads of grain. 24The Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?”

25He answered, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need? 26In the days of Abiathar the high priest, he entered the house of God and ate the consecrated bread, which is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some to his companions.”

27Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 28So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2022
Personally I don't, but manual labor isn't forbidden on the Sabbath in order to put bread on the table. Jesus demonstrated that when he and the 12 gathered wheat on the Sabbath. Pretty sure God doesn't want anyone to go hungry since the Sabbath was made for man.

When Jesus did work on the Sabbath, do you say he did what was right or did he break it?

Mark 2
23One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and as his disciples walked along, they began to pick some heads of grain. 24The Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?”

25He answered, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need? 26In the days of Abiathar the high priest, he entered the house of God and ate the consecrated bread, which is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some to his companions.”

27Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 28So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”
I think the principle on the Sabbath is not to do unnecessary work. And I don't think Jesus and his disciples were harvesting. They picked enough to eat at that moment.
My point in asking the question was if individuals were keeping the Sabbath because it is commanded are you also keeping the command to work 6 days...6 days shalt thou labor...Exodus 20:9
Mar 4, 2020
I think the principle on the Sabbath is not to do unnecessary work. And I don't think Jesus and his disciples were harvesting. They picked enough to eat at that moment.
My point in asking the question was if individuals were keeping the Sabbath because it is commanded are you also keeping the command to work 6 days...6 days shalt thou labor...Exodus 20:9
Sorry, I don't understand your point. You don't call walking through a field and picking heads of wheat work?
Mar 4, 2020
I think the principle on the Sabbath is not to do unnecessary work. And I don't think Jesus and his disciples were harvesting. They picked enough to eat at that moment.
My point in asking the question was if individuals were keeping the Sabbath because it is commanded are you also keeping the command to work 6 days...6 days shalt thou labor...Exodus 20:9
How about this? Wouldn't it be "doing well" to work gainful employment on the Sabbath to feed your family? How about a job going around town pulling sheep out of ditches for 8 hours a day?

Matthew 12
11 And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out?

12 How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.