Brother Mukenye Many of the brothers and sisters suffer greatly from porn and other things which look to cause great distress upon our minds as well as our bodies. All temptations as well as sin start in one place!!!! The MIND!! When the flesh starts to act up and look to fulfil its wants, picture in your mindset a raging flame and see yourself putting your hand out towards it, instead of giving in to the temptation.
Or as another person stated quote God's Word instead. Take this test brother count to 10 in your mindset as you are counting say your name out loud!! YOU SEE!!! You lost your count!! I personally do not believe in addictions. An addiction is something one repeats then looks to make the excuse that they cannot control themselves. I know I did that for a while myself.
That to me is stating the Lord cannot help me, when his Word states (Luke 1:37) For NOTHING is impossible with God! That is a fact!! But for this to be a fact for us we must believe his Word! My life changed brother when I stopped making excuses for my temptation, and followed in the WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE!!! I am 70 years of age brother and I know how hard it is!! I have been single all my life, and my flesh is tempted even as all are, so what are we going to DO about it??
Give in, or fight!! Even still at my age I suffer from temptation, but they are most rare these days because I have fought to train my mindset! (Rom 12:1-2) In the end are we real with ourselves? For lies also start in our mindset, train the mind and the flesh will follow, otherwise we allow our flesh to control our mindset, and that leads to peril!
I know I failed more than a few times!! BUT LEARN from it!! Being led by Holy Spirit is much like learning to ride a bike, we are going to lose our balance at times, but we never give up because Jesus knows our heart! Do not beat yourself up, that is the enemy telling us we can never overcome this problem, and as you know the devil has two sides to him. On one side he is a liar (John 8:38-44) and on the other side he is a great deceiver (Rev 12:9)
First, he lies to us then he looks to blame this problem on someone else, keeping you in bondage IF!!! You believe him!! DON'T!!! The last stage of a believer's life is being an overcomer, that is our goal good brother!! And NO ONE or nothing in this world will stop us from accomplishing that task!! THAT is a BELEVERS MINDSET!!! A very fine question brother!!! Blessing to you, and the work we are to do is to believe!!! Believing is not agreeing only but being a doer of the Word and not a hearer only!! (James 1:22) Follow in Jesus and he will lead you even as he leads me!!