I thought it would be good to take just a minute and testify to what Jesus means to you. Just a short testimony or long if so inspired.
Awesome thread! Thanks for introducing it!
my "Prince Of PEACE," amidst the past 44 years of
good times and bad.
He is this, Praise God!!
The Way, the Truth and the Life.
So true, and to think that for years I had it all so wrong... Jesus makes things so clear today!
Jesus is the lover of my soul.
Love/someone who loved me... that's been my Idol in every sense of the word... and it's still a struggle for. But the Love and compassion of Jesus is so complete and gentle... I never had a clue what being loved really meant.
He gave me a second chance at life, literally... and I'm learning how to live it and walk it out - oh, that I could surrender and to submit, to finally live a life that's pleasing to Him.
Someone who Loves me even if I’ve messed up somehow , and regardless of what I did in the past before we met someone who’s patient and kind , always an ear to speak with when I remember the sorrow in the world and all of the years behind and people gone from My reach now
Wow Brother, well said!! It's a real mind-bender for me to see how I walked before and yet
know that He loves me. My mind is too small!
I shall see Him and rush into His awaiting arms.
That would be a lovely experience!! I'm worried that I'll just fall to the ground and weep.
It was also via Jesus that I obtained the courage to speak with God on a
candid basis. (Heb 4:14-16) That was a really big deal because as a
Catholic, I had been trained to pray in rote.
Indeed!! To consider that through Jesus, we are Justified to enter into the Holy of Holies... I so wish that RCCers could comprehend this amazing Grace of privilege.
A reason to live and a hope for the future.
Thank you for this... I was so lost and couldn't see any reason for me to live - and hope? I had no hope for hope anymore. Now I do... I got a long way to go but I feel a level of assurance by abiding in Faith in Jesus.
I can't put into words what Jesus means to me... so I thank you all for providing some insights.