This would one of the key questions... so it's a very good question.
Biblical World View:
A.) If anyone is unfamiliar with the term, a World View generally refers to our belief system, our philosophical outlook... the lens through which we see the world.
B) When the term Biblical World View is discussed in apologetics and philosophy, it generally refers to the methodology and philosophical foundation for a Christian's worldview. It refers to foundation and methodology, not a specific list of data points.
C.) The term Biblical World View is generally understood as meaning something like:
Taking your worldview from scripture, rather than from something else, like the prevailing culture.
- It means the scripture is the lens through which we view the world.
D.) We can easily see this kind of worldview also implies a whole set of necessary preconditions, like having a belief in God, and having a "high view of scripture" etc..
E.) This kind of view does 2 very interesting things, which we'll all recognize:
1.) It immediately settles all the cultural and ethical issues in life... the issues non-believers are so confused about
2.) It still leaves us room for some doctrinal differences, and some healthy debate within the faith.
I'm not sure HOW Barna asked their survey questions, and if they explained this very well.
But this is generally what is understood by "Biblical World View."
Biblical World View:
A.) If anyone is unfamiliar with the term, a World View generally refers to our belief system, our philosophical outlook... the lens through which we see the world.
B) When the term Biblical World View is discussed in apologetics and philosophy, it generally refers to the methodology and philosophical foundation for a Christian's worldview. It refers to foundation and methodology, not a specific list of data points.
C.) The term Biblical World View is generally understood as meaning something like:
Taking your worldview from scripture, rather than from something else, like the prevailing culture.
- It means the scripture is the lens through which we view the world.
D.) We can easily see this kind of worldview also implies a whole set of necessary preconditions, like having a belief in God, and having a "high view of scripture" etc..
E.) This kind of view does 2 very interesting things, which we'll all recognize:
1.) It immediately settles all the cultural and ethical issues in life... the issues non-believers are so confused about
2.) It still leaves us room for some doctrinal differences, and some healthy debate within the faith.
I'm not sure HOW Barna asked their survey questions, and if they explained this very well.
But this is generally what is understood by "Biblical World View."
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