Hi Quinn: I just saw this post. I replied to your post last night but I'm having trouble figuring out this site. I didn't even see your reply to me until a day later. Where do you go on this site to see if you have a reply to a post. I thought they sent an email when your post had a reply and you opened the email for the reply to come up. At the end of my answer to your post last night, the system said that posts cannot be more than 1000 characters. However, they don't tally the characters as you write. If you haven't noticed, I tend to write too much. Writing is a nice form of communication and you can always go back and study what was written to you. What do you mean by coloring the scenes? To answer your question in this post, I don't have a ritual way to pray. I speak to G-d and pray all day and night in my waking hours. However, it seems to be a one way conversation. I don't hear G-d talking back. If I do hear something, I'm not sure if it is G-d talking or my own self- talk. I am in constant communion with G-d. How do I learn to listen to G-d without wondering if I'm talking to myself? If G-d confirms a prayer by answering it, I know it was heard. I need to learn how to listen to G-d and don't know how, or if, G-d even talks to me. I've been a believer for 21 years. I have really never been personally discipled. I should know by now how to hear G-d's voice. Bless you, Steven