I sometimes wonder how spiritual a person is born. I know that I'm from the old Beacon Hill, in fact I'm from a Belmont address that no longer exists, but it's very, very urban. I went to cradle roll in a church that was near both two other larger church and the Theosophical Society as well as an Anthropological Waldorf High School. Many (at least three) other good-sized churches stand in the immediate neighborhood, but it's also the gay center of the city, and the overtly Satanic venues (by which I mean stage nightclubs with bars that actually say "Hail Satan" on a sign) are exactly in the same few city blocks, and it's heavy with tarot stands and yoga. I'm no weirder than anyone else, including in the straightedge "alternative because not alternative" way, it's just something I've thought about.
I lived there for a few years before I was even old enough to get out of my stroller, let alone make great decisions. But they do say that we are all born with souls, and I sometimes wonder if my Broadway and Roy area origins in Seattle near Broadway ever really impacted my spiritual life.
I lived there for a few years before I was even old enough to get out of my stroller, let alone make great decisions. But they do say that we are all born with souls, and I sometimes wonder if my Broadway and Roy area origins in Seattle near Broadway ever really impacted my spiritual life.