We have been hearing about the end of the age for my whole life
There are a couple of things you need before we can start the tribulation, without these you can know the tribulation is not about to start.
1. There is a seven year covenant that is confirmed with the many. That is the start of the seventieth week, a seven year period we often like to call "the tribulation". I think most Bible expositors teach this will be on the Feast of Trumpets. The Feast of Trumpets announces the coming of the king. Paul in Colossians tells us that these feasts are a shadow of things to come. If the seventh year of the seventieth week announces a jubilee then the Feast of Trumpets is on the same day as the day of Atonement. All the Bible teachers teach that the seven year tribulation ends with God's judgement. So that narrows it down a lot, there are 365 days in a year and you are looking for a covenant that is confirmed for seven years on that day. Also, "with the many" is understood by most expositors to refer to the UN. Finally, "confirming" the covenant means to make it stronger. That is very unique, you would need a covenant that was already made and now they want to make it stronger and only for seven years! That is truly a very unique set of circumstances, most would think impossible. But the beauty of this is you can check to see if the UN has anything like that on their schedule and if not, just eliminate any talk of a pre tribulation rapture if the tribulation is not about to start.
Of course this year at the Feast of Trumpets they are confirming Agenda 2030 for seven years, a covenant that was made back in 2015. They need to strengthen the covenant. Basically they want the WHO to take over all governments when the next pandemic hits and the WEF wants the world to have a digital currency with biometric data that they can control using a social credit score so that if you eat too much meat or use too much gasoline they can stop you from buying or selling.
2. You need to have certified Red heifers. It is not clear if this covenant includes Israel rebuilding their temple, however, we do know from the Bible that the Antichrist confirms the covenant and he also breaks the covenant with the Jews in the middle of the seventieth week, setting himself up in the temple as god. There is no evidence that the temple is built prior to the 70th week so it could be built at the beginning. However, you cannot build the temple until you first sacrifice a certified red heifer. This must be sacrificed first to use its ashes to cleanse everything involving the temple. These are really, really hard to come by, in all of human history there have only been ten times that the Jews had certified red heifers. But even if you do have them you can't sacrifice them till they are three. So the odds on this are really, really small.
That said Israel does have four certified Red Heifers that will be ready to sacrifice prior to Passover in 2024.
3. Judgment begins with the house of God. That is another requirement. There is extensive discussion in the NT and OT concerning an apostasy, those who abandon the word of God, and they worship Moloch like the children of Israel did in the wilderness, and God refers to them as Babylon. They are the golden head of the statue in Daniel, the supreme world government. They are a melting pot of all the nations. They have a golden goblet (the word of God) that contains a defiling wine of God's wrath (Hollywood, Corporate America) that they made the entire world to drink. Now they are described as profligate, lascivious, Sodom and Gomorrah, etc. However, the judgement of the great Babylon is likened to throwing a great millstone into the ocean. This is the judgement that the Lord pronounced on people who cause children to stumble. If the US were about to receive this judgement we would have to have proof for all to see that the US is involved in stumbling little children. We are talking about a righteous God. Is the president a pedophile? Is the country trying to normalize pedophiles? Is there a systematic attempt to groom children and cause them to sin? Are they pushing pornography on children? We need the evidence, not just that there are a lot of pedophiles in the US harming children but that the leaders and powerful people facilitate this traffic and try to cover it up.
Of course it does appear that we can see evidence of all these things in the US right now.
4. After the tribulation begins there will be the mark of the beast. The Antichrist will institute one world currency that involves a mark on the hand or forehead and he will have the power to prohibit anyone he doesn't like from buying or selling. Granted this does not get enacted until the restrainer steps aside when the spirit filled believers are raptured. But you could never do this without the technology. You need RFID chips that can be inserted into the body, chip readers that can read them, a satellite system that covers the whole globe, a social credit score to decide who can and cannot buy or sell, AI to monitor this for billions of people and a quantum computer capable of doing that. Prior to today no one had that capability.
Of course today we do have that capability and have tested out the various components of this. What is quite interesting is that this is a key component of the "confirming" Agenda 2030 for this Feast of Trumpets. They want this digital currency and social credit score as a way of strengthening the Agenda 2030 covenant to insure everyone complies.