Is America the Babylon of scripture? NO!

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2018
I try to remember that when it comes to biblical matters there are both spiritual and physical references. Babylon is a physical place, but there is no agreement on where that may be. It’s irrelevant.

More important, Babylon is a spiritual place, it is a political and economic system.

Clearly the spirit of Babylon includes great power, but this power, both political and economic, is being used contrary to God’s will. It is the “Home of Demons” and the “Haunt of evil.” This spirit of Babylon includes the “Kings of the earth” who wield political power as well as merchants who have grown “Rich on her excesses” and who’s wares include the “Bodies and souls of men.” Babylon ensnares the inhabitants of the earth with the “Wine of her adulteries” so she may dress “With gold, precious stones and pearls.” Babylon is drunk with the “Blood of the saints” and those who bear “Testimony to Jesus.” Can Babylon be any clearer?

God created world where hunger and need should never exist. The political/religious/economic system that thwarts God’s will and exploits his creation is, alive, and well and growing ever stronger even as we watch. Call it the illuminati, the NWO, the nouveau riche, it is Babylon. It is evil.
Aug 27, 2023
I try to remember that when it comes to biblical matters there are both spiritual and physical references. Babylon is a physical place, but there is no agreement on where that may be. It’s irrelevant.

More important, Babylon is a spiritual place, it is a political and economic system.

Clearly the spirit of Babylon includes great power, but this power, both political and economic, is being used contrary to God’s will. It is the “Home of Demons” and the “Haunt of evil.” This spirit of Babylon includes the “Kings of the earth” who wield political power as well as merchants who have grown “Rich on her excesses” and who’s wares include the “Bodies and souls of men.” Babylon ensnares the inhabitants of the earth with the “Wine of her adulteries” so she may dress “With gold, precious stones and pearls.” Babylon is drunk with the “Blood of the saints” and those who bear “Testimony to Jesus.” Can Babylon be any clearer?

God created world where hunger and need should never exist. The political/religious/economic system that thwarts God’s will and exploits his creation is, alive, and well and growing ever stronger even as we watch. Call it the illuminati, the NWO, the nouveau riche, it is Babylon. It is evil.
Insightful… I’ve always taken note of the following…
Nimrod was used as the great founder of this marvellous scheme of Satan. Babylon was his city (Gen. x. 10). Would not Cain's city before the flood answer to the people of that day, the same end as Babylon did afterwards (Gen. iv. 17)? Each would be the capital of their respective idolatrous systems. The words "Cain went out from the presence of the Lord" are very significant. So is the name of Cain's city. He called it "Enoch," which means initiated. 350 The corruption of mankind spoken of in Gen. vi. must have led to abnormal forms, which would account for the half-human, or super-human beings, which became the Nephilim, the Rephaim, and Anakim of Scripture; the Titans of the Greeks. It would account for the worship of Ishtar, Isis, Ashtaroth, and all the abominations of spiritual harlotry. - EW Bullinger
And as Babylon has a geographical location, mainly Iraq, the whore sits on the entire world.


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
I see the antichrist as merely a role… a role that satan plays.. Just like he is called the dragon when he is starting wars.. just like he is called Lucifer before his fall. Just like he is called a serpent when he is being tricky. Just like he is called Satan when he is adversary to God… Different roles, same entity.. I will expand more on the thread you provided. Peace
while it's true that John talks about a "spirit of antichrist" and says there are "already many antichrists" he also, and also many other places in scripture, calls him "a man" and "the man" - a specific man, the beast out of the sea, the son of perdition destined for destruction.

a title Judas is given - the only person in the Bible about whom it is said, Satan entered.
Aug 27, 2023
while it's true that John talks about a "spirit of antichrist" and says there are "already many antichrists" he also, and many other places in scripture, calls him "a man" and "the man" - a specific man, the beast out of the sea, the son of perdition destined for destruction.
Hello… The antichrist is no more a man than Jesus. Being referred to as a man does not make one a man, Satan is also referred to a a dragon and a serpent… Christ is referred to as a lion and a lamb.

2nd Thess 2:1-4
1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (KJV)

There is only one soul that is condemned by name to eternal perishment, and that is satan, the son of perdition by one name, and the antichrist by another. Satan has many names but he's the same entity. Below we see God condemning satan to be consumed from within (perish). At this time satan is the only one by name who has been judged to death in the lake of fire, many more will follow him after judgment day.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
I see the antichrist as merely a role… a role that satan plays.. Just like he is called the dragon when he is starting wars.. just like he is called Lucifer before his fall. Just like he is called a serpent when he is being tricky. Just like he is called Satan when he is adversary to God… Different roles, same entity.. I will expand more on the thread you provided. Peace
2 Thessalonians 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

Paul not only calls Satan the "man of sin" and the "son of perdition" but also calls him "that Wicked". Those three names should be enough for any bible reading Christian to fully recognize who Paul is speaking about.

"whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders"

(the word after in the Greek does not mean "after" as in chronological order but "after" as in "like" or "according to")

So why you ask does Paul say this Wicked person comes "after" the workings of Satan?

Because it is Satan. He comes "after" or LIKE Satan because he is satan...this Antichrist "role" Satan will play is "like" himself because Satan likes to deceive with "power and signs and lying wonders"

This is like saying "the Terminator is after or like the working of Arnold Schwarzenegger". Why is that? Because the Terminator is a ROLE Schwarzenegger played and was in fact Schwarzenegger all along just acting or pretending to be a machine from the future. The Antichrist will also be a ROLE that Satan plays (acting or pretending to be God), and yes, will have been Satan all along too. It is truly the greatest act of deception that will ever have been attempted and for a short time it will be extremely successful. Don't be deceived. If someone thinks the antichrist will be a human man influenced by satan, they have already been deceived. No wonder the antichrist will fool so many because they are pre-deceived before it ever happens.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

The falling away is Apostasy and that means Christians leaving the faith for a false God. It has no other meaning, so realize the horrible level of spiritual devastation that is coming to the "body of Christ"!


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Jesus was God in the flesh… If you want to be 100% specific, the flesh man comes from semen and egg, Jesus did not.
it's interesting that the more common heresy in the modern church is to deny His deity, but it was more common in the early church to deny His humanity.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
while it's true that John talks about a "spirit of antichrist" and says there are "already many antichrists" he also, and also many other places in scripture, calls him "a man" and "the man" - a specific man, the beast out of the sea, the son of perdition destined for destruction.

Not the beast from the sea but the beast from the land. The sea beast is something composed of ten kingdoms within 7 areas of land/mountains, Rev 17. That isn't a man. The second beast is a man who performs miracles to deceive people, exactly what Paul said the man of sin does.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
Jesus was God in the flesh… If you want to be 100% specific, the flesh man comes from semen and egg, Jesus did not.

Jesus is still a man (male) though. That's how he can be a Son rather than a daughter.
Aug 27, 2023
2 Thessalonians 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

Paul not only calls Satan the "man of sin" and the "son of perdition" but also calls him "that Wicked". Those three names should be enough for any bible reading Christian to fully recognize who Paul is speaking about.

"whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders"

(the word after in the Greek does not mean "after" as in chronological order but "after" as in "like" or "according to")

So why you ask does Paul say this Wicked person comes "after" the workings of Satan?

Because it is Satan. He comes "after" or LIKE Satan because he is satan...this Antichrist "role" Satan will play is "like" himself because Satan likes to deceive with "power and signs and lying wonders"

This is like saying "the Terminator is after or like the working of Arnold Schwarzenegger". Why is that? Because the Terminator is a ROLE Schwarzenegger played and was in fact Schwarzenegger all along just acting or pretending to be a machine from the future. The Antichrist will also be a ROLE that Satan plays (acting or pretending to be God), and yes, will have been Satan all along too. It is truly the greatest act of deception that will ever have been attempted and for a short time it will be extremely successful. Don't be deceived. If someone thinks the antichrist will be a human man influenced by satan, they have already been deceived. No wonder the antichrist will fool so many because they are pre-deceived before it ever happens.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

The falling away is Apostasy and that means Christians leaving the faith for a false God. It has no other meaning, so realize the horrible level of spiritual devastation that is coming to the "body of Christ"!
I agree…. The one who looks like Jesus the Lamb: "and he had two horns like a lamb" {Rev 13:11}, the one who spoke like the dragon (satan/antichrist) because he was satan, he was the dragon: "and he spake as a dragon"
Aug 27, 2023
neither Adam nor Eve came from either :geek:
Noted… However being born from egg and semen is not the only prerequisite to being a man.

2 Corinthians 4:11
For we who live are always being delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.
Men are mortal “liable to die” Adam died so did Eve. What about Enoch? He was taken.. Enoch was born from egg and semen.

Every human being was created in some form or fashion…. Jesus was not created, which shows clear separation from the rules of what a man is. Nice try.
Aug 27, 2023
Jesus is still a man (male) though. That's how he can be a Son rather than a daughter.
Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

The mighty God - The everlasting Father


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

The mighty God - The everlasting Father
This supports Jesus being a man. Man as in male, not specifically a human man although he was one for his Earthly, mortal life on Earth.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
Every human being was created in some form or fashion…. Jesus was not created

The pre-incarnate Jesus was not created but at conception Jesus was created and grew in his mother's womb. Jesus (Jehvovah/yeshua in Hebrew pronunciation) was his human name. He was not known by that name before incarnation. He was God the Son with us, incarnated into human flesh and born as we are.


Senior Member
May 13, 2016
Rev 17:9
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. (KJV)

Below we see that this woman sits upon the peoples, all the peoples (the sea — the waters = the peoples):

Rev 17:15
15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. (KJV)

Mystery Babylon is that woman:
Greeting in Jesus' name and welcome my brother.

For starters there is no Mystery Babylon, I'll show why later. Mystery (Musterion) means Secret by God shutting His mouth. In Rev. 17:7 we see the Angel says come and I will show you the Mystery (SECRET) if the Woman an d the Beast she rides. So, it can't be a secret because its been explained, we just missed the info. I have been called by God unto Prophecy 40 years, in 1986 I was shown and told in a vision that the "Man of Sin is here". God tells us 100 percent in one verse who Babylon the Great is:

Rev. 16:19 And the great city(Jerusalem) was divided into three parts(Earthquake), and the cities of the nations fell(Jesus defeats his enemies at Armageddon): and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. (See it now?)

God calls those Jesus defeats at the 2nd Coming Babylon the Great who get the Wine-press of His Wrath !! So, who are they? Lets look back at Vial #6, it states and I quote to save another copy & paste, The Kings of the WHOLE WORLD gather at Armageddon. So, who is God calling Babylon the Great? Every person who follows Satan's lies, the word Babel means confusion, what an apt descriptor, human beings who try to FIGHT their own loving Creator are as CONFUSED as one can get. Basically, Babylon the Great is Satan's Dark Kingdom of confusion on this earth, when Babylon Falls Satan gets bound for 1000 years.

So, why does Rev. 17 seem to get so many people pointing in different directions? Firstly, they jump on other men's ideas instead of asking God to show them, point in case (WATCH THIS) after I had my heart attack and slowed down, I prayed, "Lord, why is it that in these end times when you told us you would reveal all things, do we the Church still 100s of Understandings of who Babylon is, who the Beast is who the 144,000 is et al when we should only have one true answer? And I got this:

"Ron, you guys already know it all"

Thus I asked the Lord to forgive me and told Him from know on I wanted to always be corrected and I would take nothing for granted anymore. Thus I was writing a blog on why (LOL) Rev. 17:18 meant Rome was that city and the Lord was like "Ron, LOOK AGAIN, what did John see? So I looked, and Revelation 17:18 indeed said John SAWEST (Saw) I looked for what John actually saw and I saw the vision only covers 4 verses, from vs. 3-6. So, I studied those four verses in depth and suddenly I understood everything, THAT CITY mean Babylon, not MYSTERY Babylon, the MYSTERY was a Header like this below, then we got Three Desriptors:

1.) Babylon the Great ( Babylon was world renowned for her FALSE RELIGION)
2.) Mother of Harlots ( FALSE RELIGION was the original Harlotry not False Gov.)
3.) Abominations of the earth ( God is a jealous God and He hates all FALSE RELIGION)

The MYSTERY is a Header and then the SECRET is revealed via three name tags on the Harlot. A real Harlot in the city center would have name tag on them for all of their clientele to see. Thus the Harlot is identified as ALL FALSE RELIGION of All Time.

Now does vs. 7 make sense? The Harlot RELIGIONS were always cojoined with the Beast Governments, and Babylon was the worse of the lot, noted for her many false gods, deities and religions. This is why she is on MANY WATERS, she is World wide. This is why she has the blood of the [Jewish] Saints AND the Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus (both sides of the cross) on her hands.

By the way, the Scarlet Colored Beast is Apollyon, notice on the 7 Heads and 10 horns there are NO CROWNS, now look at the Red Dragon in Rev. 12, he has 7 CROWNS (he's over every kingdom on earth, especially these 7 spoken about here from Egypt, to Babylon, to Rome and the Anti-Christ). Then in Rev. 13 we see the A.C. Beast has 10 CROWNS and 10 meaning Completeness shows he is over all of Europe, or the E.U. President, thus he has 10 Crowns. Apollyon is a King but not of this earth, he's over the Bottomless Pit, thus he was of the 7 (but is an 8th). From Egypt to Rome is 6, then he's locked in the pit for the duration of the Church Age, and released at the 1st Woe to be over the Anti-Christ the 7th Beast Head. He is also an 8th King himself. Thus he WAS..........IS NOT.............YET IS.

Jerusalem not NO CITY is the Harlot, John was being told by the Angel to REMEMBER WHAT HE SAW, that Babylon represented False Religion and the Last Beast Head and his 10 Kings are going to shift, they see Beast Worship as the Anti-Christ being worshiped as the ONLY GOD. thus they kill off the Harlot FALSE RELIGIONS like Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism et al.

If we do not start out on the right road we will not make our destination. Babylon is really only a descriptor for who the Harlot is.


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Not the beast from the sea but the beast from the land. The sea beast is something composed of ten kingdoms within 7 areas of land/mountains, Rev 17. That isn't a man. The second beast is a man who performs miracles to deceive people, exactly what Paul said the man of sin does.
(speaking of the first beast) -

Revelation 17:11
The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.

a king to whom the others give their authority and who makes war with the Lamb.
Do nations go to perdition or do souls?


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Men are mortal “liable to die” Adam died so did Eve. What about Enoch? He was taken.. Enoch was born from egg and semen.

Every human being was created in some form or fashion…. Jesus was not created, which shows clear separation from the rules of what a man is.
humans die because sin entered us through Adam, but Jesus Christ has no earthly father - no genetic material passed to Him from Joseph; He did not decay and in Him is no sin.

yet did He not die? on the cross? and lay dead for 3 days entombed? so He was able to die, being born of woman, a man, fashioned in the womb like we were.