But the similitude in Noah’s case was that Enoch was raptured before the wrath. Noah would represent those that were saved THROUGH the wrath.
As I stated earlier, the rapture cannot happen once the AC seat’s himself in the Temple, proclaiming himself to be god.
Because we would then KNOW the day the Lord returns because it will be exactly 3.5 years from that date. And Jesus said no one knows the day.
Enoch, for the days between Adam and Noah, was the Prophet of God, like we would read later concerning Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and so forth. Enoch, is no different than Elijah, Caught Up, and with Elijah no World Ending Event took place for Elisha's time or afterwords.
Enoch and Elijah still have unfinished business.
Most people add Moses, due to the Mount of Figuration, but that exemplified Jesus fulfillment of the LAW and Prophecy concerning Him to that point and beyond. Not that those 2 are the 2 Witnesses.
It's why I read my KJV or ESV Old Testament and then go immediately to my Torah/Tanakh to make sure I have the complete and proper viewpoint of what God is telling Moses [Writer of Genesis] concerning the History of Creation till the Now.
Noah's Event, does show the Favor of God for Enoch towards Enoch's Great Grandson. But it's not a Rapture and then 2nd half of Tribulation event. If so, then we must make Elijah's Rapture Event into another 2nd half of Tribulation event. And we know that won't work.
Even 70 AD is not WORLDWIDE Tribulation, it's isolated Tribulation. So these Events connecting to a Rapture should connect to a World Wide Event.
Now, we can say, Jesus Ascended [like a Rapture] and then 70 AD happened as He Prophesied, but that is not WORLDWIDE, it's Isolated.
But what the Apostle John speaks about and Peter and Paul and Jesus is concerning a WORLDWIDE Event, like NOAH.
In Fact, Sodom was only a CITY, but Jesus, only likens Sodom to the WORLDWIDE Event because of People's behavior and the Destruction that will resemble the ashes of Sodom.
It's the Same with NOAH, Jesus, likens NOAH and LOT to People's behavior and then Destruction.
And concerning the AC siting on the Throne.
it's no different than when the 2 Witnesses are Rapture'd
no different than the 144k evangelizing after the exit of the 2 Witnesses and many people from all nations are Coming to Christ
no different than the False Prophet commanding to take the MOB
no different than the Jews having permission to build their Temple
no different than TODAY, where we KNOW, we are closer to 7 years from the Second Coming because when Tribulation begins, we won't know the difference at all. it will be another day.
We have all the Time we need to be Prepared and Ready.
I get up and think 7 years from now. one day, I will either be Rapture'd or I will KNOW about the TWO WITNESSES Preaching, then it's possible I will SEE the AC/Beast and False Prophet. And I will only KNOW this much about the Coming of Christ, it will be soon.
Matthew 24, Jesus Commands, to WATCH [in those days] [our days now]. Said to Watch the Stars and Moon and Events happening that it means He is Coming Soon.
So, even if we think ok here's the AC, Jesus comes now in 3 and half years, that's not saying anything different than what Jesus said we are to be Looking For in Matthew 24.