The New Age Christ will negotiate peace in the Middle East soon probably at least by 2026 which will stop the fighting between Israel and the Arabs which will also stop the fighting in the world.
But I believe it is all a set up and they want a one world government so they are using controlled conflict brings about controlled change.
Like WW1, League of Nations.
WW2, United Nations.
The New Age Christ will push the agenda of the new age movement which the United Nations supports new age organizations.
They want the whole world to be divided in 2 big groups those on Israel's side, and those on the Arabs side, and let the people of the world go at it for a while so the world will want peace, and then the New Age Christ can negotiate peace which will bring the world together.
The peace treaty in the Middle East will be a peace treaty for the world.
Then they will prepare the cities to move all people in the cities.
And then they will be given a microchip linked to satellite like a GPS tracking system for humans, and if a crime happens they will know who was in the area, and how close they were to the crime scene.
This will cut out judges, lawyers, and the police force.
The top leaders of the Republican and Democrat parties are working together which is the Hegel System.
Which the one world government will be a balance between democracy and communism, and the unified religious system will be a balance between atheism and spirituality as they believe people are evolving to be spiritual, and a god, which is the new age movement which all religions will be part of the unified religious system interpreted by the new age movement.
The Republicans will give them the most trouble and they want as little resistance as possible.
Donald Trump was put in place to increase the fighting between the parties by stirring up the patriots, and that is why they went to far right and far left to increase the fighting.
He was put in place to gain the support, and trust, of the Republicans, and get the to accept a one world government saying it is the best thing to do given the current situation of the world.
He said he does not want a global government but then he will say it is the best thing to do.
He said he got the Covid shot to try to persuade them that it is actually a good thing which he got booed.
He said that America has been wanting to implement a biometric system for people that are in America on temporary visas, and said if they had that in place 911 could of been avoided, and said he will do it, but he did not, but he wanted to get it out to the people that the microchip is a good way to cut down on crime.
He will say he is for a global government to try to persuade them that it is the best way to go.
They do not believe that the New Age Christ will help them to have peace, and advance, and evolve to be spiritual, until the world comes together as one to work for peace on Earth.
That is why Trump is trying to get the Republicans on board as well in all nations with such a system, and they use scare tactics to get the people on board with wanting to come together as one to work for peace on Earth.
But it is a trick of the devil so he can use the New Age Christ to guide the world to do what he wants which for three and one half years the New Age Christ will be influenced by the devil, and then for three and one half years he will be controlled by the devil.