I have pondered this of late particularly because I am thinking back upon my own past and how I have gradually changed from unfeeling and intensive to more compassionate and empathetic towards similar individuals with similar circumstances in their past...
but, more to the point what does the Bible tell us?
is suffering or hardship like a key to empathy or can one find empathize without so much of tough circumstances?
feel free to share passages that to come to mind and discuss😀🙏
but, more to the point what does the Bible tell us?
is suffering or hardship like a key to empathy or can one find empathize without so much of tough circumstances?
feel free to share passages that to come to mind and discuss😀🙏
So for me according to Gods word there is no sickness that tries to touch me that GOD just allowed it to happen. A kingdom divided against its self will fall. The simple fact everyone that came to Christ was healed. Again GOD can not lie did He not say "lay hands on the sick they will recover". Just some put GOD on some time clock and if it does not happen when they wanted it say "well I guess God didn't want me to be healed.. I am just suffering for Christ. That is not even written. Shall I quote only the OT when it comes just to healing? Yeah GOD made allot of promises. You have to work your faith. What we believe (can be wrong) and say and do, not repenting, not forgiving all these can hinder what God wants to do.
In this world we will have trials and tribulations but He has over come the world. Its like reading to all that believe lay hands on the sick they shall recover. Christ only said what God said. God cannot lie. There is no maybe no lets hope this works. He said shall recover. Peter and John Christ had already rose. After the man was healed the people were looking at them as if they did it "why do you look at us as if we did this by our own power. That name faith in that name healed this man". Oh faith works both ways. Seen heard watched "ever year I get sick around this time" "ever time blah blah blah this happens". That's faith and stay away from me lol.
So are we moved by what see what we hear what we feel? No we walk by faith we live by faith. His words not mine. That faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. So you make sure you have no sin you forigve on and on. You find what GOD said in His word and you stand on that. What you think I say all this because everything in my life is going (in this bod) going great? Life hits me like it hits you. This is a fallen world. Read what your Father already promised. That means you don't have to ask for it..you receive it. If God already promised it.. why would you question Him? Its done!
So for me empathy He gives it comes not by something this life hits me with. All I said is what I personally believe. It has does always work.. He can't lie. I been doing this living this all my life. I can show you my 1st bible and how marked up it is. He showed me He taught me not some man. Everytime everytime I stand on what my GOD my Father said always happens. I just don't put him on a time clock. If He said it its done. If I doubt then as He said let not that man think he will get anything .. get that? Let not man that doubts think he will get anything from God. Now if you know He hears you then you know you have the petitions you asked for. If you have not its because you ask not or your asking wrong ask in just personal things. See you ask making sure it goes in line with His word.
Pray ask Him about all this don't take my word for anything. You find this for your self. You search don't just blindly believe some post o vidoe no matter how nice loving they are. You seek you study you pray.. PRAY. That is the key. ALWAYS pray.. always praise HIM. In your weakest moments PRASIE HIM! You thank Him..l not for doing that He never did.. you praise Him in every moment. Again been at this for over 50 yeasr. Been up down fallen. I just get up dust off keep going. Try not to hate just love speak words of life repent and sorry this is hard to fallow.. I am awful as writing and speaking. Seek Him always always keep your eyes on Jesus.. put everything though the filter of JESUS. Read Luke 11 13.. if God said it.. I do it
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