June 10th, 1967 should have been a moment of victory over their enemies, but Israel’s leader Moshe Dayan conceded sovereignty over this most holy site to their enemies. Israeli half-tracks led the attack, crashing through the massive bronze doors onto the Via Delarosa; they turned left onto the Temple Mount. Commando Paratroopers Gur and Achmon rushed up a flight of stairs leading to a large plaza—the golden Dome of the Rock and the silver-domed al-Aqsa.
Gur radioed headquarters: “The Temple Mount is in our hands,” he is making the most historic claim in 1900 years. The focus of centuries of Jewish longing, the place toward which Jews prayed no matter where they lived, was now in their possession. Ezra Orni took an Israeli flag and asked Gur whether he should hang it over the Dome of the Rock. “Yalla,” said Gur, “go up.”
Achmon accompanied him into the Dome of the Rock. They climbed to the top of the building and fastened the flag onto a pole topped with an Islamic crescent, but it was quickly lowered. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan had been watching through binoculars from Mount Scopus, urgently radioed Gur, and demanded: “Do you want to set the Middle East on fire?”
And so, the flag was lowered, and to this day, the Temple Mount remains in the hands of their enemies.
Matthew 23:37-38, Jesus was speaking, he said, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that kill the prophets, and stoned them which are sent unto you, how often would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not! Behold your house is left unto you desolate.” “Not one stone shall be upon another.”
Next came Jesus’ prophesy of doom. “You shall not see me henceforth, until you shall say, Blessed is he that comes in the name of the LORD.” The glory of the Lord has departed from Israel.
Did Moshe Dayan act with wisdom or with weakness? Was his decision his will, or was it God’s will? What would they have done if the Temple mount had remained in their hands? They would have defiled themselves again with their transgressions. The glory of the Lord has departed from them until they say, “Blessed is he that comes in the name of the LORD.”
For the above reason and others, I do not believe the Jews will be building a third temple, it’s not the will of God for them to do so.
Gur radioed headquarters: “The Temple Mount is in our hands,” he is making the most historic claim in 1900 years. The focus of centuries of Jewish longing, the place toward which Jews prayed no matter where they lived, was now in their possession. Ezra Orni took an Israeli flag and asked Gur whether he should hang it over the Dome of the Rock. “Yalla,” said Gur, “go up.”
Achmon accompanied him into the Dome of the Rock. They climbed to the top of the building and fastened the flag onto a pole topped with an Islamic crescent, but it was quickly lowered. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan had been watching through binoculars from Mount Scopus, urgently radioed Gur, and demanded: “Do you want to set the Middle East on fire?”
And so, the flag was lowered, and to this day, the Temple Mount remains in the hands of their enemies.
Matthew 23:37-38, Jesus was speaking, he said, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that kill the prophets, and stoned them which are sent unto you, how often would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not! Behold your house is left unto you desolate.” “Not one stone shall be upon another.”
Next came Jesus’ prophesy of doom. “You shall not see me henceforth, until you shall say, Blessed is he that comes in the name of the LORD.” The glory of the Lord has departed from Israel.
Did Moshe Dayan act with wisdom or with weakness? Was his decision his will, or was it God’s will? What would they have done if the Temple mount had remained in their hands? They would have defiled themselves again with their transgressions. The glory of the Lord has departed from them until they say, “Blessed is he that comes in the name of the LORD.”
For the above reason and others, I do not believe the Jews will be building a third temple, it’s not the will of God for them to do so.
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