Jews were told to watch out for "Another Prophet like Moses" which we know today was a reference to Jesus.
How was Jesus and Moses similar other than being Jewish?
And by critical analysis they led VERY different lives and lifestyles. Moses had two wives, was guilty of murdering an Egyptian, was a judge and law giver....wrote the Torah.
Jesus did none of these things.
So what did Moses do that was similar in nature as what Jesus did?
Moses instituted the Patriarchal system of governance.
A family patriarch could and would vouch for his family and ensured that from the greatest to the least member of the family was fed and cared for...and through his petition EVERYONE had access to God for anything else.
And it had to be through the family Patriarchal system that women gained access to God...unless she was "sold" to another family as a bride. Then that family's Patriarch was responsible for her.
And instead of being like Job crying out for an advocate to plead his case to God for had a Patriarch who was a servant leader of the family and did it for you.
And this Patriarchal system was supposed to be out of love for your family and inspire them to do the same for their families....and if done well enough the original Patriarch's love carried on through the ages. It wasn't always fair...some family members did more than others because they were capable. You also had prodigal children running off....and fathers who were less than loving and extending grace....and children who had to be tossed out of the family if the rest were to survive. (Apostasized, apostasy wasn't common)
And so....that's the Father's day message for you today.....
One last tidbit....
Honor you Father and Mother commandment.
Hebrew has no word for great grandfather or forefathers....just father. The Father intended in this 5th commandment is Abraham who had a friendship with God. That's what the commandment is discussing. "Obey your parents " is in another location. Just saying.