It's already started, but people can't see it! THE AWAKENING OF THE ANTICHRIST! Don't get sealed

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May 10, 2024
In the Apocalypse of Saint John we read: "And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one may buy or sell unless he has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of the beast." her name. Wisdom is needed here. Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man. And his number was six hundred and sixty-six.”
If we were to ask most people today if the Antichrist appeared with the mark of the beast or if the mark of the beast appeared, they would accept the mark, most of them would probably answer no. However, the Bible reveals to us that reality may be more complex than it may seem, and there are many different reasons why people may choose to receive this mark.
How do you think the devil will place the mark? What approach do you think he will use to get people to adopt it? There are three main ways that the Antichrist will use to introduce the mark of the beast. The first is coercion. Let us recall once again the fragment of the Apocalypse: "And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one may buy or sell unless he has the mark - the name of the beast or the number of her name.” Now let's think about the pressure that people will experience in such a situation, when they will be able to sell or buy absolutely nothing. Imagine the strain that will be on a father of a family who realizes that his ability to provide for his family will be in jeopardy if he refuses to accept the mark of the beast. A father of a family who is aware that his ability to provide his loved ones with a roof over their heads, food and other basic needs depends on compliance with this requirement will find himself in a very complicated emotional situation.
Taking the mark of the beast will be a moral dilemma for him. He will experience internal conflicts related to his own religious beliefs. This man will have to face the question of whether to agree to give up his own religious beliefs for the good of the family, or to remain faithful to his values, risking his existence for the sake of his family. Now let's think about a single mother who finds herself in a difficult situation while caring for her children. She may realize that her salvation and fate may be sealed by taking the mark of the beast, but she will choose to do so regardless. Right now, she's focused on keeping her children sheltered, fed and safe. Instead of focusing on their eternity, people often focus on the present moment and short-term goals. However, the Bible is a constant reminder that there is something greater than our present time, namely eternity.
The words of Scripture encourage us to consider the perspective of eternity and to guide our lives according to these long-lasting values. The Bible shows that eternity is something that transcends our temporal concerns and problems. It is eternity that should be our ultimate concern and goal. Our everyday decisions, actions and values should be focused on what is eternal, what is meant to last beyond our life on earth. Therefore, we should direct our lives with eternity in mind, striving for salvation and surrendering our decisions to God, so that we can live according to His will and enjoy eternity in His presence.
The second way for the Antichrist to introduce the mark will be deception. Deception is a tool that Satan, as the father of lies, uses at every opportunity. Jesus Christ himself called Satan the father of lies, emphasizing his nature as a source of disinformation and falsehood. Deception as a strategy of the Antichrist can take many forms. One possible scenario is to mislead people through apparent signs and wonders. The Antichrist can use his supernatural abilities to perform seemingly miraculous acts that will convince many that he is a heavenly figure or God's chosen one. This illusion of a miracle can mislead many people who are looking for hope in difficult times into following the Antichrist. The deception of the Antichrist may also manifest itself in the hypocrisy of religious teachings and doctrines.
He may present himself as the spiritual leader and guide of humanity, manipulating and distorting the truth contained in Christianity to achieve his own goals. By using his charismatic image and manipulating religious messages, the Antichrist can attract crowds of followers. The Antichrist may also try to introduce new religions or spiritual doctrines that will seem attractive and promising, but will actually lead people away from the true faith. This may include the creation of artificial spiritual hierarchies or organizations to control and manipulate people. Two beasts are described in the Book of Revelation, the first is the Antichrist and the second is the false prophet.
Now let's look at what the false prophet does: "And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by the signs that were given to him to perform before the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image of the beast, which was struck by the sword and came to life." The Book of Revelation says that the false prophet will deceive the inhabitants of the earth with signs and wonders.
May 10, 2024
These signs and wonders will constitute apparent evidence of his supernatural powers, and may even suggest that he is a chosen or divine figure. They will mislead people and manipulate their faith and beliefs. Fascinated by the miracles and apparent power of a false prophet, people may be inclined to believe his message and follow his instructions. The false prophet will direct worship and adoration towards the Antichrist. Jesus said that in the end times there would be false prophets who would show great signs and wonders to deceive many.

In the Gospel according to Saint Matthew we read: "For false messiahs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to mislead, if possible, even the elect." We all know that the Book of Revelation details that Three Angels will be sent by God to preach the gospel, but the lies and deceptions of the Antichrist will be so strong that even after the Angels' warning, some people will still choose to accept the mark of the beast. God will not only warn humanity, but also implore them to choose the right path. Angels, as messengers of God's love and grace, will fulfill this divine mission - warning humanity of the consequences of bad choices and imploring it to accept the gospel as the path to salvation. This will be a time of choice for every soul on earth, a time of trial and decision.

The third means by which the Antichrist will introduce his sign is through idolatry. Through manipulation and misleading humanity, the first Beast will become an object of worship, an idol that will be loved and adored. It is not only a matter of greed for power, but also the desire for absolute control over the minds and hearts of people. The Antichrist will demand worship in such an extreme way that he will believe that he is God. Even though he will be powered by the power of hell, he will remain a man with a human nature. Yet people, deceived and misled, will worship him. This may seem far-fetched, but reality shows that there are already trends in human worship around the world.

Let's look at celebrity culture, where people put other human beings on a pedestal. People perceive these personalities as unique, unattainable, and sometimes even divine. We see people faint when they see their idols, how they scream hysterically when they have the opportunity to meet another person. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The Antichrist will take advantage of these existing human worship tendencies and strengthen them to achieve his goals. This will be his instrument of control over the minds and souls of people, leading them onto a path that separates them from God. This is a warning for us to be vigilant and wary of manipulation and false promises that can lead us away from the true God. You may claim that you are not an idolater, but ask yourself, is God first in your life?

We often immerse ourselves in the daily pursuit of material success, comfort and luxury, and these things become more important than our spiritual sphere. The modern world often promotes consumerism and materialism, which leads some people to devote too much attention to acquiring material goods at the expense of spiritual development or relationship with God. In the Gospel according to Saint Matthew we read: “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or he will hold fast to the one and despise the other; you cannot serve God and mammon.”

The spirit of the Antichrist, although perhaps not fully revealed, is already present in the world. It is a subtle but clear introduction of certain values and ideologies that separate people from God and spirituality. We observe this in many aspects of contemporary social life, culture and politics. One manifestation of this spirit is the growth of materialism and selfishness. People increasingly focus on acquiring material goods, careers and their own interests, often losing sight of spiritual values and caring for others. Many of us forget about love, generosity and compassion. Ideologies also appear that try to replace traditional Christian values. Faith in God is increasingly marginalized, and spiritual values are replaced by the cult of individualism, hedonism and consumerism.

This leads to a weakening of social bonds and community spirit. It is also worth noting the growing conflicts and divisions in societies around the world. Hatred and lack of respect for other people are increasing. This is contrary to the spirit of the Bible, which emphasizes the need for love, reconciliation and peace. Let's also look at technology and media manipulation, which have an increasing impact on our lives. Some of these tools can be used to spread disinformation, hatred and manipulation of the masses, which only deepens social divisions.

Even though we are not yet witnessing the full manifestation of the Antichrist, the spirit that brings about these changes is already present. This should cause us to reflect on our values and beliefs, to consider whether we are pursuing a spirit of love, community and spirituality, or whether we are separating ourselves from God, following a path that may lead us to loss. It is important that we be vigilant and try to choose the path that leads to true light and true God.


Folksy yet erudite
Aug 13, 2014
1. Howdy lukas and welcome to the forum.

2. Yeah, that's pretty much the impression I got. Control of global economy will make it possible to keep people from conducting basic business if they don't have the mark. Hope it doesn't come until after I'm gone. Starvation seems like a particularly nasty way to die.

3. Kudos for surprising me. I'm used to people yelling about somebody they hate being the antichrist. "The next pope will be the antichrist!" "Our president is the antichrist!" "Elon Musk (or some other famous person) is the antichrist!" When I saw this thread was about the antichrist I checked it just to see which person you had picked. :p


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2021
Did he say all that in one breath?


Folksy yet erudite
Aug 13, 2014
Probably not. His nick is not LittleBoyBlue.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2021
It is close to the antichrist working in the world, and they are setting it up for him.

God warns the saints of the new age movement, and the time will come that people will not want to hear the truth of the Bible, but want to hear the Bible according to their own lusts, the new age movement, which is fables.

Which they interpret the Bible according to the occult and evolution, and people are evolving to be spiritual, and Jesus evolved to be an ascended master, and there is no personal God, and the New Age Christ is the final teacher.

Which they believe Lucifer is a god, and an alien, that gave mankind intelligence, and will help the world to have peace, advance, and evolve along with the New Age Christ.

The United Nations supports new age organizations, and is with them as well as Science.

Which Science says humans are not of the earth, and the world needs to prepare for an alien encounter.

At this point in time it appears as if the majority of Scientists are of the new age movement but might have been all along but waiting for the right moment to put it forth for they have a timing of things.

Which they are going to make all things compatible with the new age movement beliefs, and reality.

They are saying they have new discoveries, and new findings, that are giving them a new perspective of all things, history, the Bible, the universe, evolution, the origins of people, among other things, so everything lines up with the new age movement.

Which they are saying they were wrong about things but now they know the reality.

They will not involve the new age movement as credit for what they want people to believe it is only coming from them by their new discoveries which caused them to have a new perspective, and using their credibility that they rely on facts, and truth, and evidence, to convince the people that it is correct that will steer people to the new age movement beliefs, and reality.

They have had the same technology for years but did not discovery what they are saying today, and now all of a sudden they have new discoveries here, and there, and everywhere, giving them a new perspective of everything, but it is to steer the people to the new age movement

And the new age movement has a timing for the things they do.

Since the new age movement believes the Bible is true then Science will push that by saying embrace the Bible for it is the truth, but they will give forth the new age movement interpretation saying the new discoveries that gave them a new perspective support that.

They will say people have been interpreting the Bible wrongly for many years, and to embrace how it used to be interpreted.

Now the Christians and atheists will debate over who has the right interpretation of the Bible for the atheists will believe the Bible is true.

They say they found a lost book of the Bible, and will probably say they found other lost writings so they can say it gives them a new perspective.

They are pointing out a lot about the Bible how atheists could learn from it, the things Christians get wrong, and do that is not part of the Bible, among other things as they get people to embrace the Bible as truth, and give them a new perspective.

They are piling it on, and heaping it up, all the new discoveries they are happening upon because they are setting the mindset up for the appearing of the New Age Christ which he will push the agenda of the new age movement which he will think to change times and laws.

The new age movement is subtle right now for they do not want to push it for people will not accept it at this time, but they are waiting for the New Age Christ to say it loudly which he will carry more weight.

They are using Science to put forth their beliefs, and reality, using their credibility that they provide proof, and evidence, but they are lying but they want to convince the people it is the truth.

But even though they lie they still believe the new age movement is true they just cannot provide proof like they say, and are not really having new discoveries like they say, but the new age movement does not have evidence but they believe, so Scientists of the new age movement will believe the same, but they have to lie to cause the people to believe it is true.

They lied about the things they said prior to coming out with these new discoveries to discredit the Bible, and the creation, and put forth outlandish things to convince the people in evolution, and not a personal God, to set the stage to change it all to the new age movement beliefs, and reality, and their evolution beliefs, and there higher power the God of forces, or the power of nature.

The new age movement believes in evolution but not according to the worldview Darwinian sense, which they do not believe humans evolved from apes, although they are from the same lineage, but did not evolve from apes, and broke from them about 7 million years ago.

Scientists will put forth that belief by saying new discoveries gave them a new perspective on evolution.

They want to set it up for the New Age Christ so the people will fall in line faster when he pushes the agenda of the new age movement.

So it is close to the New Age Christ working in the world.

The United Nations has been operating since 1945 to work for peace on earth, and now they want a new world government.

As soon as Israel and Hamas started fighting the nation started dividing themselves spewing out threats, and warnings, choosing sides between them.

This is a scare tactic to get the people of the world to accept a one world government.

And to set the stage for the New Age Christ to negotiate peace in the Middle East which will result in a peace treaty.

The Ukraine war is for the purpose of making it appear that Russia and NATO have a conflict that if they fought a nuclear war could happen which could devastate the planet for the nations will choose sides.

This is a scare tactic to scare the people of the world to accept a one world government.

After WW1, League of Nations.

After WW2, United Nations.

And now it is time for a one world government.

Controlled conflict brings about controlled change.

The top leaders of the Republicans and Democrats are working together which is the Hegel System.

America and Russia have been working together as the 2 opposing forces in the Hegel System.

Which the one world government will be a balance between democracy and communism.

And the unified religious system will be a balance between atheist and spirituality, and their higher power the God of forces, or the power of nature, and all religions interpreted by the new age movement.

Continued in next post


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2021
Continued from above post

When the New Age Christ negotiates peace resulting in a 7 years peace treaty he will work in the world, and be considered a great man of peace, and a man understanding dark sentences so people will be mesmerized by his speaking, and he will become the biggest player on the world scene.

For the first three and one half years they will prepare the cities to move all people in to the cities, and no development can happen outside city limits, and the people become the police force of the cities.

Which is United Nations Agenda 21, a sustainability act, which 179 nations agreed to it in 1992.

At the end of the first 3 and one half years all people will be in the cities.

They will be given a microchip linked to satellite like a GPS tracking system for humans.

Which they can watch people, and know their location, and if a crime happens they will know who was in the area, and how close they were to the crime scene.

This will cut out judges, lawyers, and the now known police force.

All information about the person will be on the chip including finances which it is the one world economic system, which no person can buy or sell without the chip.

Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

chi xi stigma
khee xee stig'-ma
The 22nd, 14th and an obsolete letter (G4742 as a cross) of the Greek alphabet (intermediate between the 5th and 6th), used as numbers; denoting respectively 600, 60 and 6; 666 as a numeral: - six hundred threescore and six.

From a primary word στίζω stizō (to “stick”, that is, prick); a mark incised or punched (for recognition of ownership), that is, (figuratively) scar of service: - mark.

The mark of the beast is something stuck under something to identify a person which it is given to a person so it is stuck under their skin.

The New Age Christ's agenda is there is no personal God to help mankind, but mankind's devices, and technology, can help to stop crime on earth.

They talk about angel numbers and the angel number 666 which they believe is a good number according to the Cosmos.

They want to convince the world if they embrace the number 666 they will have the power to transform the world to have peace and harmony, and to evolve to be spiritual, and a god.

The occult believes in the power of numbers, and the timing, adding, and grouping, of numbers, which they believe will give them more power through nature.

6 is the number of a person, or the soul of a person, so they New Age Christ assigned himself the number 666, a triple 6, for he believes it will give him more power through nature to establish his agenda.

666 is the number that exalts people through the power of nature, and their kingdom is all about people, and there is no God.

This is where 666 comes in to play.

Science is talking a lot about mankind going extinct, and saying we have the Neanderthal gene and they went extinct.

This is to get them on board with the new age movement, for when they evolve to be spiritual problem solved.

They point out mental disorders, and mental causes plaguing people with a woe is humans for their frailties.

Same thing embrace the new age movement to evolve problem solved.

Among other things.

They believe the New Age Christ will cause them to evolve therefore he becomes the savior of the world by preventing them from going extinct, by giving them a mind free of mental disorders plaguing them, among other things.
May 10, 2024
Sorry, i forgot the source of this text..


Folksy yet erudite
Aug 13, 2014
It's all greek to me bruh.

Russian end-time gloom and doom?

Well, a lot of Russians are rather gloomy. I've played STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2019
Thanks op. I will say every generation believed they were in the last days. Now us no other generation saw Israel become a nation then to know its written a nation in one day and that is exactly what happened.

Not wise to run with speculation. I think the Antichrist has always been ready we know since Pentecost the spirit of the Antichrist was working. The enemy was know is not out in the open but as soon as He is taking out of the way then the lawless one will come out in the open and do lying wonders. There is no way that can happen today. Well who today in this world has been given all power all authority over the enemy? Yeah were still here and then who is in you?

Don't get sealed.. is that don't take the mark? Did He not say just before that those (believers) whos names were written in the Lambs book before the foundation of the world will not worship the beast. I don't know why so many skip that part. Well they always talk about "the mark don't take it!!!!!". to take the mark one would have already bow down and worshiped the beast. Just doing that they are lost forever. Its not ..."well ok you can bow down and worship just don't take the mark".

Its written the world will bow down and worship or you die. So this will all happen but.. not before the greatest out pouring of the holy Spirit. But what is GOD doing today? You know just going back to Dec 2023 hundreds of thousands were saved.. on day. PRAIES GOD GLORY TO JESUS! What is GOD doing today?
Jul 2, 2024
according to some military conspiracy sources, the antichrist will be someone from the Qanon organization (Mr. Q?) and they will introduce him to us as the savior of humanity, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin (be careful, they are light-nosed ..humanity follows them to destruction)


New member
Aug 2, 2024
Fortunately we will all be raptured before the Antichrist has his way 😁🙏🏻


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2016
Spirit confirms such with me, you as well?:)(y):unsure::coffee:


Senior Member
Oct 30, 2011
A recent example.. so many did not want to get vaccinated with the covid 19 new technology jabs! They would lose their job so went ahead. So many felt forced to comply. The Canadian truckers.. peaceful protest and bank accounts frozen for saying No to the system.

Some countries would require vaccination to use public services.. Greece was punishing the elderly with fines from their pensions for not receiving the vaccine.

People forced in so many different ways.

So, seeing how that all went shows that a mark to buy or sell.. is possible. The QR codes being used easily replaced with a chip containing all your data to enter the supermarket.. then use to pay!

GOD bless the Resistance.


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2011
A recent example.. so many did not want to get vaccinated with the covid 19 new technology jabs! They would lose their job so went ahead. So many felt forced to comply. The Canadian truckers.. peaceful protest and bank accounts frozen for saying No to the system.

Some countries would require vaccination to use public services.. Greece was punishing the elderly with fines from their pensions for not receiving the vaccine.

People forced in so many different ways.

So, seeing how that all went shows that a mark to buy or sell.. is possible. The QR codes being used easily replaced with a chip containing all your data to enter the supermarket.. then use to pay!

GOD bless the Resistance.
never for 1 minute have i regretted not taking the covid vax,,


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2014
A recent example.. so many did not want to get vaccinated with the covid 19 new technology jabs! They would lose their job so went ahead. So many felt forced to comply. The Canadian truckers.. peaceful protest and bank accounts frozen for saying No to the system.

Some countries would require vaccination to use public services.. Greece was punishing the elderly with fines from their pensions for not receiving the vaccine.

People forced in so many different ways.

So, seeing how that all went shows that a mark to buy or sell.. is possible. The QR codes being used easily replaced with a chip containing all your data to enter the supermarket.. then use to pay!

GOD bless the Resistance.
If you read your bible, then you will find out that the mark will come not through a vaccine. Everybody will take the mark or will be killed. But you need no fear if your name is written in the book of life.
✝ Revelation 13:8

"And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."


So if you belong to Christ, you must not have fear to get the mark of the beast. No " vaccine" can make you to worship the beast and get his mark.!!!!
Jul 7, 2022
Almost Heaven West Virginia
A recent example.. so many did not want to get vaccinated with the covid 19 new technology jabs! They would lose their job so went ahead. So many felt forced to comply. The Canadian truckers.. peaceful protest and bank accounts frozen for saying No to the system.

Some countries would require vaccination to use public services.. Greece was punishing the elderly with fines from their pensions for not receiving the vaccine.

People forced in so many different ways.

So, seeing how that all went shows that a mark to buy or sell.. is possible. The QR codes being used easily replaced with a chip containing all your data to enter the supermarket.. then use to pay!

GOD bless the Resistance.
Yes, God bless the resistance.
If Christians took a stand long ago in unity, the satanic momentum would have been stifled IMHO. Christians in general have been way to obedient and compliant to the dictates that Satan integrated so easily into our lives.

I took a stand against the Real ID Act that required biometrics to have state issued IDs. That was announced in the late 90s. Many Christians were against it and states, but for financial reasons. That was pushed in the early 2000s.
This was one step closer to the mark we know about from Scripture. Now they have the power to prevent travel, commerce, jobs and even cause death through biometric requirements we so willingly complied with. Very few pastors said a word about it and those who did just caved with little resistance.

I see the forced vaccines and other Beast tech as the same. The Mark of Revelation is not implemented yet. However, we should live our conscience and not let others force us into compliance based on the latest Beast tech like the DNA changing injections. I will not allow the medical murderers do a thing to me, Even if it isn't but a precursor to the Mark of the damned Beast.

Read my Beast Tech thread for more information.
Jul 7, 2022
Almost Heaven West Virginia
A recent example.. so many did not want to get vaccinated with the covid 19 new technology jabs! They would lose their job so went ahead. So many felt forced to comply. The Canadian truckers.. peaceful protest and bank accounts frozen for saying No to the system.

Some countries would require vaccination to use public services.. Greece was punishing the elderly with fines from their pensions for not receiving the vaccine.

People forced in so many different ways.

So, seeing how that all went shows that a mark to buy or sell.. is possible. The QR codes being used easily replaced with a chip containing all your data to enter the supermarket.. then use to pay!

GOD bless the Resistance.

I think the Lord gave me a class on the subject as soon as I logged off from this topic. This is not His Word on the topic, but rather some additional practical ways to stand on our Biblical convictions in the job or where we go. I applied these principles while shopping without a suffocation device during the lockdown and suffocation period. It was annoying to have an employee shout at me for the whole store to hear, but he lost his job and I continued buying food. I stayed calm, spoke the truth, stood my ground and God gave the victory.

Since this seems more than coincidental, maybe you and others would be blessed to listen to it. It's only half an hour when you skip the sponsor's advertisement.

Stop Asking Permission