I grew up in a non-religious household and was quite young when something unexpected happened. One day, I watched a movie about Jesus that I had somehow come across, and I was deeply moved by it. Afterward, I prayed, and it felt like a loving light rushed through me, filling me completely. In that instant, I knew that Jesus was the truth. I didn’t know much about Him at the time, just the basics, but from that moment on, I carried a respectful attitude toward God. Life went on. Years later, I began to wonder more about God. I had never stopped believing in Him, but now I wanted to learn more. I started reading the Bible and seeking to understand Jesus better. Little by little, I picked up pieces of knowledge along the way. One night, I was feeling love for Jesus from the scriptures I was learning, so I said a simple prayer. I asked for forgiveness and said that I wanted Him in my life. I also asked to experience the same feeling I had long ago. I added, “Also, could He touch my heart,” as I had felt His love in my childhood and wanted that again. A day or two later, I felt drawn to pray again. This prayer was different from any before or since. It I didnt have to think what I was saying my words flowed naturally, and everything I needed to say came out with ease. As I was finishing, a question was posed within me “Who else is my enemy?” Without thinking, I ended saying, “May the Antichrist be seen for who he really is.” The moment I completed that sentence, the feeling I had years before returned; like light itself flowed through me and a feeling of a love like no other, God’s light filled me once more. I was completely shocked. I couldn’t believe it I was speechless. That amazement and shock stayed with me throughout the next day. I do remember a thought I had which was about other gods that had planets they created like ours which is important.. As night fell and I lay in bed, still lost in thought, my mind filled with question and amazement I suddenly started talking to God. One question after another at some stage”. Then, something happened something unexpected. In an instant, I was somewhere else. I turned my head and saw a tall figure beside me, wearing a white robe. That’s the only detail I could see. Then I looked ahead into an empty space, and a previous question I had during the day came to me “Maybe there’s a god for each of these worlds.” At that moment, the emptiness began to be filled with Earth-like images, each with a figure above them like the one next to me. I immediately answered, “No, Lord, there’s only one God, and He created everything.” As I said that, all the images vanished. I then said, “It is amazing what You have done here, Lord.” At that moment, I found myself back in my bed, and a force began to touch my heart. The intensity of that feeling was beyond description; it was so unbelievably strong and overwhelming as the pressure gradually eased off, complete astonishment There was one more thing that night a dream. The dream showed me an act I regretted, something I had asked God to forgive many times. It revealed my sin and another side of myself. It showed me a lot, but I’ll leave it at that. This is my testimony, let it bring glory to the Lord. Let it remind you that His offer of salvation is genuine. After receiving this gift, He doesn’t leave you wondering; He makes His presence known. If you truly seek Him, you will find Him. I hope it inspires others to pursue a relationship with the Lord, leading them to discover the true joy and peace that only He can provide
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