I hope to address a difficult topic, one that has been mentioned several times on CC. The statement has been made that all Jews are going to burn in hell because they reject Jesus Christ. I have a few thoughts on that topic.
First, being a “Jew” is not monolithic. Just like Christianity there are multiple statements of faith within that group, some biblical and some not. The Natsarim, “Jews” who keep the Torah while accepting Messiah Yeshua, was the very first expression of Christianity. They still exist today. Indeed, Messianic Judaism is alive and well and appears to be a growing movement in Israel, as predicted.
Then, there is the issue of natural law. Biblically, a person who has never heard the word (Jesus) but has the Torah written on his heart and obeys, is redeemed. The “Jews” as a people have pursued the truths of YHWH longer and with more diligence than any other people. The Word is deeply etched in their hearts. Are they really denied salvation?
Next, since the modern church has denied the First Testament, the impression exists that Jesus suddenly appears and quickly changes everything. From this view, it looks like He was inactive in history until the nativity. Even a cursory reading of scripture disproves this assumption. Yeshua, the one appearing as the Son of Man, the Angel of The Lord (YHWH), was continually involved with God’s people throughout history, teaching, encouraging, protecting, growing, and sometimes even punishing his people. To think Jesus suddenly changes direction and now forever curses his people is unimaginable.
I also do not accept the assumption that “Jews” deny Yeshua HaMashiach. His teachings have influenced many “Jewish” thoughts. What many “Jews” do struggle with is the concept that The Messiah appears twice in human history. Indeed, they look forward eagerly to his promised coming. Missing His first coming may be an error on their part, but it is not a rejection of YHWH or Yeshua or their teachings.
There is also an issue about who provides salvation to whom. We know God’s chosen people, the Seed of Abraham, brings salvation to the gentiles. There is also the opposite reaction, salvation of the “Jews” comes in the fullness of the gentiles. An eagerly anticipated future event. Even the Second Testament Disciple; the Patron Saint of the western Christian Church; Paul, makes this perfectly clear:
“Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring!
Romans 11:11-12
First, being a “Jew” is not monolithic. Just like Christianity there are multiple statements of faith within that group, some biblical and some not. The Natsarim, “Jews” who keep the Torah while accepting Messiah Yeshua, was the very first expression of Christianity. They still exist today. Indeed, Messianic Judaism is alive and well and appears to be a growing movement in Israel, as predicted.
Then, there is the issue of natural law. Biblically, a person who has never heard the word (Jesus) but has the Torah written on his heart and obeys, is redeemed. The “Jews” as a people have pursued the truths of YHWH longer and with more diligence than any other people. The Word is deeply etched in their hearts. Are they really denied salvation?
Next, since the modern church has denied the First Testament, the impression exists that Jesus suddenly appears and quickly changes everything. From this view, it looks like He was inactive in history until the nativity. Even a cursory reading of scripture disproves this assumption. Yeshua, the one appearing as the Son of Man, the Angel of The Lord (YHWH), was continually involved with God’s people throughout history, teaching, encouraging, protecting, growing, and sometimes even punishing his people. To think Jesus suddenly changes direction and now forever curses his people is unimaginable.
I also do not accept the assumption that “Jews” deny Yeshua HaMashiach. His teachings have influenced many “Jewish” thoughts. What many “Jews” do struggle with is the concept that The Messiah appears twice in human history. Indeed, they look forward eagerly to his promised coming. Missing His first coming may be an error on their part, but it is not a rejection of YHWH or Yeshua or their teachings.
There is also an issue about who provides salvation to whom. We know God’s chosen people, the Seed of Abraham, brings salvation to the gentiles. There is also the opposite reaction, salvation of the “Jews” comes in the fullness of the gentiles. An eagerly anticipated future event. Even the Second Testament Disciple; the Patron Saint of the western Christian Church; Paul, makes this perfectly clear:
“Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring!
Romans 11:11-12
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