There is something that I just cannot get out of my head that being doctrine or rather my distain for it or rather what it has done to the church. Sound doctrine in it's purest form is God's word abd there will come a time and is here even now when many will not endure sound doctrine but it just keeps nagging me that truth sound doctrine and the correct understanding is just all over the place within the body of Christ. all the denominations all the doctrines within those denominations the vastly different interpretations and understanding how one can read the scriptures while another reads the same thing yet gets a different understanding of it.
So if we all have such diversity in what sound doctrine is why does that not seem to raise a red flag? why can we be so sure in our doctrine when all it seems to do is cause division are we not able to question our own beliefs to test ourselves in truth?
I was once told the best way to test if your understanding is truth try to disprove it the issue with this is if we were to whole heartedly do this it wouldn't be hard it is easy to use logic and pick apart any doctrine we come across.
so is doctrine as it is defined really as sound as we believe it to be? if there is so much division when there are many truths although there is only one truth can we honestly ask ourselves and know that the doctrine we go on here to defend or teach is the actual truth or is it just another interpretation of said truth?
how many of us are on milk when we think we are on meat? I have to test myself to see for myself if what I believe is the actual truth I am willing to admit I am wrong if it means finding the real truth but to do this it requires a heart that truly loves his word and has great respect for it it would require many hours of studying devotion and letting go of what I think I know.
if there is only one truth then why? why so much division why all the endless debates why all the different interpretations? we cannot speak on sound doctrine if we do not hold ourselves accountable
So if we all have such diversity in what sound doctrine is why does that not seem to raise a red flag? why can we be so sure in our doctrine when all it seems to do is cause division are we not able to question our own beliefs to test ourselves in truth?
I was once told the best way to test if your understanding is truth try to disprove it the issue with this is if we were to whole heartedly do this it wouldn't be hard it is easy to use logic and pick apart any doctrine we come across.
so is doctrine as it is defined really as sound as we believe it to be? if there is so much division when there are many truths although there is only one truth can we honestly ask ourselves and know that the doctrine we go on here to defend or teach is the actual truth or is it just another interpretation of said truth?
how many of us are on milk when we think we are on meat? I have to test myself to see for myself if what I believe is the actual truth I am willing to admit I am wrong if it means finding the real truth but to do this it requires a heart that truly loves his word and has great respect for it it would require many hours of studying devotion and letting go of what I think I know.
if there is only one truth then why? why so much division why all the endless debates why all the different interpretations? we cannot speak on sound doctrine if we do not hold ourselves accountable
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