There was a time, in my more ignorant past, where I believed that one could lose his salvation. Boy was I wrong, and here's why:
To point at someone, or even at self, and claim one or another had lost his or her salvation at some point in the past, or are standing in that jeopardized position at the present time, that is nothing but works-based salvation!
Some may say, "Now, wait a minute! There are many out there who have lost their salvation. Some have even regained it, and then lost it again..." On and on the claims will go by those who are actually trying to convey the idea that they are authorities over who is saved and who is not, sometimes just by looking at others or at themselves throughout the years of their own past.
What REALLY do they know about anything having to do with salvation if it is a thing that can so easily be lost, which leads to no other conclusion than the idea that Holy Spirit has a very weak grasp upon the saved, with many having been plucked from the Hand of Christ Jesus, which is contradictory to the scriptures.
Think about it...if anyone can lose their salvation, then retention of salvation is by the efforts of each individual rather than the perfectly finished work of Christ Jesus. That individual is claiming, then, that they still have theirs because of their own efforts, where others allegedly lost theirs by not retaining it through good works or abstinence from some measure of sin that has a line they cannot define authoritatively.
Folks, that is indeed BOASTING. That is nothing short of silently claiming that they have "worked" to abstain from walking those paths that others were, or are, walking who have allegedly lost their salvation. Do you see the dichotomy in that? Casting salvation into a mixing bowl that has any leavened ingredient of a work on our part, and the entire lump is leavened.
So, who among you has ever known anyone who allegedly ever lost their salvation, and how did you prove that, even if you're going to make yourself the target of that claim? Your feelings? Their feelings? What you saw coming out of them or yourself? Who among us no longer has any expressions of sin exuding from us each and every day? Who among us is living in sinless perfection? Who among us has no sin?
Who here can draw that line that others can see whereby crossing it would or does lead to loss of salvation?
Conversely, pointing at self or someone else, and claiming loss of salvation at some point in the past, how can we know they or you were ever saved at all in the first place to have allegedly lost it?
It's a snake eating its own proverbial tail.
Do you see the issue here?
It is either works, or it is grace. It cannot be both, for there is no power on this earth that can truly intermix them together under the Gospel of Grace.
To point at someone, or even at self, and claim one or another had lost his or her salvation at some point in the past, or are standing in that jeopardized position at the present time, that is nothing but works-based salvation!
Some may say, "Now, wait a minute! There are many out there who have lost their salvation. Some have even regained it, and then lost it again..." On and on the claims will go by those who are actually trying to convey the idea that they are authorities over who is saved and who is not, sometimes just by looking at others or at themselves throughout the years of their own past.
What REALLY do they know about anything having to do with salvation if it is a thing that can so easily be lost, which leads to no other conclusion than the idea that Holy Spirit has a very weak grasp upon the saved, with many having been plucked from the Hand of Christ Jesus, which is contradictory to the scriptures.
Think about it...if anyone can lose their salvation, then retention of salvation is by the efforts of each individual rather than the perfectly finished work of Christ Jesus. That individual is claiming, then, that they still have theirs because of their own efforts, where others allegedly lost theirs by not retaining it through good works or abstinence from some measure of sin that has a line they cannot define authoritatively.
Folks, that is indeed BOASTING. That is nothing short of silently claiming that they have "worked" to abstain from walking those paths that others were, or are, walking who have allegedly lost their salvation. Do you see the dichotomy in that? Casting salvation into a mixing bowl that has any leavened ingredient of a work on our part, and the entire lump is leavened.
So, who among you has ever known anyone who allegedly ever lost their salvation, and how did you prove that, even if you're going to make yourself the target of that claim? Your feelings? Their feelings? What you saw coming out of them or yourself? Who among us no longer has any expressions of sin exuding from us each and every day? Who among us is living in sinless perfection? Who among us has no sin?
Who here can draw that line that others can see whereby crossing it would or does lead to loss of salvation?
Conversely, pointing at self or someone else, and claiming loss of salvation at some point in the past, how can we know they or you were ever saved at all in the first place to have allegedly lost it?
It's a snake eating its own proverbial tail.
Do you see the issue here?
It is either works, or it is grace. It cannot be both, for there is no power on this earth that can truly intermix them together under the Gospel of Grace.
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