I will speak on the subject as whole from a man's perspective.
Yes, I know today many women can be addicted to porn as well, but I think it's still far and away a man's problem. The act of it. Of course our sin never affects only us. And kid yourself not, it IS sin.
Women have differing sin problems than men too, but porn is a pernicious, awful, soul crushing abomination that can be every bit as destructive as a bad alcoholic or even hard drug addict to the user himself, and them around him.
Wives MUST understand first and foremost that the viewing of porn by their husbands is in NO WAY an indictment on THEM. You could be the most incredibly beautiful, loving, funny, sweet, caring, super model on planet earth, and it wouldn't matter.
The husband VERY likely HATES that he is addicted, and feels great shame in many ways that he is. That's why the constant hiding, sneaking, and harsh defense mechanism when confronted is always in play. And if he is a Christian, he hates grieving God by doing it.
We are ALL sinners. No great revelation to Christians. But sometimes we forget that just because we don't understand OTHERS sinful desires, that we don't have some of our own.
I don't understand the chronic gossiper, that tears down people with their words with such joy.
I don't understand the alcoholic that just can't say NO to booze.
I don't understand the greedy person, that will lie cheat and steal for monetary gain.
And so on .....
EVERY day the World, our Flesh and the Devil tempt and assault us.
So what to do?
For those addicted that are Christian:
First admit what you are doing is wrong, hurtful, and sinful. Sincerely ask forgiveness from people and God.
Then walk in the Spirit.
That means DAILY prayer, Bible reading and study.
The Word is OUR Manna, and Manna must be collected DAILY.
Volunteer to help OTHERS in any way you can.
Keep your mind occupied on Godly things.
Here is a video many men have found VERY helpful:
For the wives hurt and affected by this evil.
I pray the Lord give those who are able to forgive, remain, and possibly help their husbands the strength to do so.
For those that can forgive but not remain, I pray the Lord's peace will fill your hearts and minds, and not let this sin either define the years together as one flesh, or affect your future joys.
Be Blessed
Yes, I know today many women can be addicted to porn as well, but I think it's still far and away a man's problem. The act of it. Of course our sin never affects only us. And kid yourself not, it IS sin.
Women have differing sin problems than men too, but porn is a pernicious, awful, soul crushing abomination that can be every bit as destructive as a bad alcoholic or even hard drug addict to the user himself, and them around him.
Wives MUST understand first and foremost that the viewing of porn by their husbands is in NO WAY an indictment on THEM. You could be the most incredibly beautiful, loving, funny, sweet, caring, super model on planet earth, and it wouldn't matter.
The husband VERY likely HATES that he is addicted, and feels great shame in many ways that he is. That's why the constant hiding, sneaking, and harsh defense mechanism when confronted is always in play. And if he is a Christian, he hates grieving God by doing it.
We are ALL sinners. No great revelation to Christians. But sometimes we forget that just because we don't understand OTHERS sinful desires, that we don't have some of our own.
I don't understand the chronic gossiper, that tears down people with their words with such joy.
I don't understand the alcoholic that just can't say NO to booze.
I don't understand the greedy person, that will lie cheat and steal for monetary gain.
And so on .....
EVERY day the World, our Flesh and the Devil tempt and assault us.
So what to do?
For those addicted that are Christian:
First admit what you are doing is wrong, hurtful, and sinful. Sincerely ask forgiveness from people and God.
Then walk in the Spirit.
That means DAILY prayer, Bible reading and study.
The Word is OUR Manna, and Manna must be collected DAILY.
Volunteer to help OTHERS in any way you can.
Keep your mind occupied on Godly things.
Here is a video many men have found VERY helpful:
For the wives hurt and affected by this evil.
I pray the Lord give those who are able to forgive, remain, and possibly help their husbands the strength to do so.
For those that can forgive but not remain, I pray the Lord's peace will fill your hearts and minds, and not let this sin either define the years together as one flesh, or affect your future joys.
Be Blessed
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