I have a very funny story for you that happened at a church way back during the 1990's while I was in the Military stationed close to where this church was. The church had approximately close to some 300 to 400 people per Sunday. We had a full band and worship team. We also had wonderful ladies dressed in white robes that danced before the lord in spiritual dance as well as the waving of flags and streamers. The woman who played keyboards was masterful at it and flowed so well with how worship was going. OK so, one sunday morning we had an honored guest to come and speak from a big ministry from a large metropolis city. We were all so VERY excited to have him come and join us as it had taken quite some time to even get a booking with this man. I was an usher/greeter at the church back then. So ok the day came when the place was packed out. There was standing room only! The man arrived early and while the worship was going, the sound tech guys got him "geared up" with the signal pack and the wireless mic. They did a very quick sound check and then suddenly the man disappeared on us. No one knew where he had gone. I peered over at pastor and he peered at us ushers. No one knew where he was. So he asked the worship leader to do more worship and stall a bit which was fine for us as we loved the music. Soon the extra music was over and the pastor said he had to begin the service. So he walked up after the announcements and said; "Let us pray as we begin.". As the auditorium grew quick, suddenly over the main speakers we hear water. Then a toilet flushed and the sound of voices in the background. "Oh no! He's in the men's room with a hot mic!" said a fellow usher! Finally he walks out and steps out as he stops and stands in the back to be announced. The funny part was he was a blond-haired man with a part down the middle and as he walked to the front he greeted someone on his right only to hear himself for the first time and he realized his mic had been on the whole time. The entire auditorium just lost it! We all laughed out loud so hard! We found it rather difficult to listen seriously to the mans main message.