I would say yes.
Not 100% sure but definitely a yes.
The biggest Biblical support for this question is when Jesus met Moses and Elijah at the mountain.
Since their bodies were long gone, we can then say that their spiritual presence in our world is “proof” that they are “seeing” us.
Other then the Bible, the well is literally flooded with miraculous accounts in my church with stories that I can’t even remember over the years when I got the first teachings of the life of the early apostles, their followers who then became saints and the miracles that they’ve encountered where they saw their “souls” just like Moses and Elijah in the mountain appeared.
Personally, I have heard many testimonies of people seeing departed relatives; the most recent one was 6 years ago when a 7 year old girl was telling the giving family whose father passed from cancer that : “why are you all crying? I saw my dad last night and he told me he’s okay”
Thank you. This was a great response.
Ya know what, I see 2 sides to this. On the one hand, we have the counterfeit of this. The weird and bizarre encounters where demons get to play tricks on us posing as our deceased loved ones through "New Age" or spiritualism. Of course, we've all probably seen a Hollywood movie or 2 about this type. Leave it to the enemy to exploit something so deeply personal. FIGURES!
Then there is the real. Now, I can not refute what I myself have encountered and this was REAL. For me that happened in 2019.
2019 for my family, or what's left of us, was a VERY rough and tough year. I grew up in a family of 4. My parents and my younger sister and myself. My father passed from Emphazeema in 2014. My Mother passed in June of 2019. Then, in October my sister passed due to a medical mishap. "Spare you the details."
Ok so both of my folks as far as their being saved or unsaved is a mystery to me as I truly do not know. I have NO clue wether they are in Heaven or not.
My sister on the other hand was a believer. Now she was saved and born again. I led her to rededicate her life to the Lord,
So that sets the stage.
The day I found out that she had passed away, I was in another state other than where she had passed.
That night at midnight I could not sleep. I sat on my couch in my living room and I started praying and I asked the Lord, "What about my sister Lord?". In that moment He gave me so much peace inside. Then while I was praying I had what I can only call a daydream or vision.
In this vision I was standing in a grass field and in front of me was what seemed like a very wide river. I could not cross this river it was so deep and wide. Then I sense something and as I look ahead of me I spot a solid cement wall much like a castle wall of ancient times. Then I see them. A light shines from atop the wall and I spot my sister waving to me and she's standing there with Jesus and both of them are smiling at me. Then I see her tugging on Jesus's robe and He motions towards me and nods "Yes.". Suddenly she sort of floats across the river and stands right in front of me. As I look at her she was unrecognizable. Her hair shimmered as if glowing. Her face was radiant instead of sad and lonely. She lost a lot of weight. She had on a royal garment and her crown was like something from a royal family of some Camelot story. I mean wow! She looked so HEALTHY and vibrant it was amazing! Then, unexpectedly she hugged me and I hugged her back. No words were exchanged nor were allowed. Then, just like that, she floated back to Jesus and stood by His side. I remember instinctively knowing it was time for me to return and the dream ended.
That vision brought so much peace and comfort to me. That to me was VERY real!