Concerning my previous post:
I want to make specific mention of thanksgiving and praise. They are your heavy artillery. When the storms come, and if they are to overwhelming, give thanks and praise to the Lord. I also get on my knees by my bed or put my face to the ground and ask the Lord for help and give him thanks for the good and the bad in my life.
Also pay attention to what is going on globally. Many attacks an individual in the body of Christ goes through isn't always about them. There is, more often than not, something going on globally, or within that individuals realm of influence.
Many Christians had a very difficult time in April of 2008. Look what happened right after those battles:
Cyclone Nargis hit Burma in May of 2008 killing over 130,000 and the 2008 Sichuan earthquake also in May hit China killing 70,000 or so. How about the months leading up to September 11th, 2001? The earthquake in Japan? How about this year in the past few months with so much controversy concerning Israel? There is a battle for souls and Satan wants to kill, steal, and destroy, as soon and as fast as possible.
Things are difficult for a reason. If Satan is attacking you, it's because you are a threat.
Heb 12:1 ...seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
With that being said, remember to pray for those who are under attack. Do not agree with what evil has to say about them. Love thinks no evil. Speak evil of no man. Honor all men. Agree with what the Lord says about them and have patients with them. Tell them the truth and wages of sin, but, always make sure the Way out is known to them... that they have an understanding to confess that they are the righteousness of God, in Christ.
Understand that 'church' as it is right now, breeds people to live in sin. 'Church,' more times than not, tolerates lukewarm living and bases individual worth, and faith level, on how well things are going in the individuals life. 'Church' brings the guilt upon people and the people recognize the corrupt fruit in their lives... but, in many congregations there is no alter call to respond to the Way out. There is no confessing before a witness their faith in Christ and and/or any corrupt fruit that they need to get off their chest. There is no rebuking of sin before the congregation to let that holy fear influence their lives for good. Wouldn't we all think twice about letting sin be conceived in us if we knew that we would be rebuked in front of the entire congregation? With a correct understanding, I would feel very loved to be disciplined. Because, I do not like the wages of sin, and fathers in the faith are there for my good.
There is, however, an offering taken, and the guilty people put their money in the basket. Their giving may ease their conscience a little, but, it will not save them. If there is an alter call taken, it rarely requires any effort; maybe just a slipping up of the hand before closed eyes and then going back to the same, corrupt fruit bearing, type of living. Or, many times, the one giving the alter call is bearing more corrupt fruit than their congregation and the people are introduced to a imitation of God's Spirit.
The point of all of this is to remember to have patients with those in suffering. That you can do something about it. That everything can be balanced by faith and/or grace. The main sin that we, as a church, have to overcome - surprisingly - is unbelief. Who are we, in Christ? Are we not more than conquerors? Then believe it, no matter what the storms and words may say. Stand on Christ and not yourself.
Fight the good fight and know that you are not alone in fighting; and please pray about all of these things, I'm not posting to debate.
Much love,