MrUnknownwith out temptation and struggle there will be no progress . is a saying from the saints and the elders :) i think if someone whats God to speak to them. the best way is prayer because prayer is the life of the soul it is not easy to pray good :) but we just have try and do are best :) and one last note as you say ( I sometimes think the devil is riding me )
MrUnknownthe closer you get to to God and progress is made in the life of a christian the devil or as i like to call him The trouble maker :) he will try his best to distract you in the progress in christian life
have a nice day and may God Bless you :)
BabyJoseph421Hello so you saying by me going through my struggles and temptations I’m doing something good. And you right the more I want to know the more the devil comes in my life.
MrUnknownHi :) yeah when we go true struggles and temptations its a good thing but it can be hard at times :) we are being watched. by both sides Good and evil :) God watches how you will handle it .
EliBethWow, Friend! I love that you're sincerely asking these great questions. Bravo! 😃 (I'm going 2 shrtn words since there's lil space. Hope its ok.) Abt God spkng, I thnk the main thng is we shld alwys b listning and hve a reoccuring awarness tht God might spk. He can spk thru any means He chooses. He's guided my heart thru Chrstn radio, thru thngs I read, thru randm thngs ppl say, thru situatns I observe...
EliBethI mostly feel it in my ❤️. Somtimes theres a "tug" 2 do or not 2 do somthng. Somtimes it doesnt make logical sense. But we do hav 2 b careful bc God isn't the only 1 who can spk/guide our ❤️. Thats y knwing Bible is So importnt- we hav Truth to compare/contrast what we thnk we're hearing against. Also, 2 thngs that I thnk r undervalued and Very hlpful and tht pave the way to hearing God's "voice" is 1) removing sin
EliBethsinful influencs from our lives (I mean anythng that evn has a lil bit of sin- example worldly tv shows, music, books, websites) and 2) doing evrythng we knw already that God wants us 2 do (or not doing wht He doesnt want us doing).. If we're not already followng what we know 2 do, y would He give us furthr orders? I would Highly recommend Priscilla Shirer's Bible study "Discerning the Voice of God." 👍🏻