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Yeah sorry it's been so long I almost went blind and it has taken a loooon time to get them to recover I was only recently able to see enough to be on cc I have to where special shades because of the white back ground though
Oh dang, well i have 100% faith that your eyesight will continue to heal, continue to use them as an act of faith and they will. And yea the white background is and has always been bright though even with a tint. No need to apologize for absences bro, you see what i do, i legit just phase in and out like a phantom sometimes.
Well it's funny because this happened right after I told God I would follow him into the darkest depth no matter the cost in order to find his heart and then soon after... well becareful what you wish for huh?

But even though without a doubt this has been the hardest and darkest season for me since my battle with cancer and even though the painful shots in my eyes and surgeries were awful I never lost faith in him
Yeah, seriously there are no coincidences with God especially when your faith in Christ is in the mix.
When you are fully resolved to go with it in faith 100% and you have Him 1st, He will honor it, so you never know. Im currently in a season too where He is teaching me to do things in faith. It's not always the easiest thing but you know as the testimony's pile up the faith and confidence in Him grows.