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I'm sorry. I wasn't going to post it until tomorrow morning around 10:30. If you would rather start it I can catch up as I have time.
OK thats fine, probably better that way, have more time to discuss while its fresh, souds good, ping me before you do please, I should be logged on at theat time, and I have to say I respect you wanting to have a 2 way discussion, I feel like its more fruitful that way for both of us
I have decided against posting the thread on this topic after viewing a few recent threads. I think it is a worthy topic for discussion, but I think it will cause much division and controversy in this forum. If you would like to pursue the questions privately I think that could be edifying.
As to the first question, I do believe that nearly all that was spoken of in the OT has come to pass.
I see this as a necessity in order for the new covenant to emerge. There cannot be 2 covenants operating at the same time.
Hmm, thats odd, this is a Bible Discussion Forum, it's purpose is for that, something as simple as this should not be problematic. I honestly was looking forward to hear your view and was ready to consider it and wanted to give mine and hear other peoles views on the matter.
The book of Revelation is largely a declaration of this. After giving a description of Christ there is a prologue given of the current estate of the church. After this, there is a reiterating of the former covenant with its stipulations. Next is a reiteration of the sanctions for failure to abide by the terms of the covenant. Lastly, there is God's plan for the continuation of His kingdom.
I'm happy to share my understanding and hear yours. Or, you can still open a thread yourself. There will certainly be plenty of commentary. But there will also be division and strife on such a contentious topic that I don't care to be a part of. I do think it's unfortunate that this site has deteriorated to this point, but there is little doubt but that it has.
Revelation is indeed a very interesting book, first time I read it I was shocked honestly. However I would like for us to have the discussion we agreed to and commenting on the profile one can not underline, bold, or even post anything other than a small post, it would be impossible to post Scriptures with our views of them without turning a single post into 20 small posts.
There is goingto be disagreements and even strife on any Biblical Discussion site, people hold their views dear to their hearts and for good reason, yet as long as it doesnt get into a name calling event, its good to discuss the word, that is actually how the old assemblies used to be, one guy standing up and preaching while everyone stays quiet is a newer style, I believe everyone should be able to speak up
I asked you to start the thread because you told me you would explain you views to me in a format where we could (at my request) have a 2 way discussion, each addressing the others views and Scriptures, to me I think that is the healthiest form of discussion or even debate.
I can appreciate your reasons for wanting to share in the open forum. And you are free to do so. There are limitations here but can easily be overcome with a succession of shorter posts. It's up to you.
I was looking forward to what we agreed upon and you seen how I post Scripture, ithis format would not allow me to underline, bold and match multiple Scriptures in a single cohesive post, thus it is not viable. If you are confident in your view and want to show me truth I have missed I think you would stand by your word, I ask you to honor the agreement, but its your call, I do like to discuss it promotes learning
If your interest is finding out what I believe, you have opportunity. If your interest is to share with me, that is also available. If your interest is to share in a larger discussion, that also is available. But that will not be merely us. So you are free to do as you please.
So then start the thread we agreed upon and lets give our basic points, then go point to point in a 2 way discussion, while allowing others togive their views. If you willing to discuss I dont see why you can honor your word in the matter.
I suppose it was foolish of me to think you would have a 2 way discussion, as every time we talk you depart to never answer my questions. and earth passing is literal Revelation 21:1-2, “And I saw a renewed heaven and a renewed earth, for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away,..."
Your question was answered by another poster. You didn't like his answer. He showed that the law has changed and that the change in heaven and earth has also.
Romans 1 explains that the physical realm exists to teach about the spiritual realm. The new heavens and earth represents a new spiritual reality that was beginning.
The new Jerusalem is the church which exploded into being at Pentecost and has grown since
Just before the cross Jesus tells Peter that He is blessed because God has given him the revelation of the reality of who Jesus truly is and this revelation was going to be the basis of entry into the church He will begin at Pentecost.
Thats what I thought you would do, yet I have a lot of more Scripture to prove my point. While you are making the Scripture fit your doctrine, without a real discussion of many passages I cant take any view serious.
There is no real 2 way discussion it's just you saying your side without a real breakdown of each passage and supporting/detracting passages That is why I asked and we agreed to start a topic and have open discussion in full, don't worry I wont let you fool me again into thinking you will have an honest 2 way discussion until it actually happens
This is the new spiritual reality. No longer would God come almost exclusively to the Jews, but salvation is for all.
This is the the new covenant God made in the blood of Christ.
We know and understand this reality, but to a first century Jew this would have seemed like a whole new world or earth because it changed everything for them. Their whole way of life was turned upside down.