Search results for query: rapture

  1. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    1) "our Rapture" is not "at the beginning" of it [seal #1 is its "beginning"], but rather our rapture takes place prior to it [fairly lock-step, however]; 2) "the Day of the Lord" does not merely last for SEVEN YEARS, because it goes on to INCLUDE the entire earthly Millennial Kingdom [1000...
  2. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...It *can* affect our JOY (and eagerness), however = ) [and in THAT sense, it matters to God ;) ] [I do notice, however, that IN SOME CASES, people's viewpoint of "rapture-timing" is connected to (informed by) their incorrect views of "salvation truths"(<--the thing that vitally matters)]
  3. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...Second Coming to the earth). You are doing the same thing that that [person] in that old video does (and many do) by incorrectly EQUATING "rapture"--verse 1's Subject--with "the day of the Lord"--the Subject of the false claim in v.2 (purporting that it "is present / already here"). They...
  4. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...alone, yes, this is what I'd pointed out in a past post... Post #1934 of an older thread: I believe people mis-read Irenaeus all the time, especially by their...
  5. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    I agree that "worry" is not fitting for the believer. = ) However, I can assure you, that discussion about what Scripture informs us as to rapture-timing is no cause for "WORRY" (or shouldn't be)... If one detects an air of "WORRY," then indeed that can be problematic and certainly less than...
  6. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...been taught a "flawed version" of it that doesn't align w/scripture), or even sometimes pre-tribbers supply incorrect answers... such as "the rapture is found in Matthew 24 [or Mt25]"... which it is not. This can set the questioner off on the wrong path from that point... and unfortunately...
  7. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...Millennial Kingdom" WAS PROMISED. (That is, to believing / faithful ISRAEL... those from the nation of Israel). [EVERYTHING from Matthew 24:4 onward [for 2 chpts] speaks of that which FOLLOWS "our Rapture"; Our rapture is NOT the Subject Jesus is covering ANYWHERE in His Olivet Discourse.]
  8. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Except... each of the seven letters concludes with: "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches" (not "unto this church" [the individual one addressed in that particular "letter"... No.])
  9. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    So, what do you make of what 1Th 3:13 is saying (where it also talks about "the coming / parousia of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints"), where the phrase "before [G1715] the God and Father of us" is also mentioned? (This comports also with the scene in Rev4, regarding the "24 elders"...
  10. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    I see no text speaking of "rapture / snatch / caught up / harpagēsometha [G726]" in any of the "after trib" contexts, whatsoever. I do see that the TWO texts referring to "GREAT" trumpet, is speaking of Israel [the elect of Israel] being gathered "ONE BY ONE"--not "AS ONE" as we will be--and...
  11. T

    Are the trumpets and vials chronological in Revelation?

    ...them? In your viewpoint (it seems to me, correct me if I'm mis-reading you), you don't seem to believe there will be any "mortals" (as believers) who will ENTER the MK age... as all believers were raptured and glorified, and all unbelievers suffered the Vials-wrath. Please explain. = )...
  12. T

    Are the trumpets and vials chronological in Revelation?

    It seems to me that Neh6 means, "in the sight of all dwelling on the earth at the time of His Second Coming in Rev19," i.e. when "EVERY EYE shall SEE Him"; also spoken of in 2Th2:8b "the MANIFESTATION of the presence / parousia of Him"; and in 1Tim6:15 "which in His times HE SHALL SHEW [/OPENLY...
  13. T

    Are the trumpets and vials chronological in Revelation?

    ...earlier (SAME CONTEXT!), in 1Th3:13 (hint: location, location, location! lol) Many ppl have no idea what the PURPOSE / PURPOSES of "our Rapture" IS. Paul refers to "our Rapture" (using various words and phrases) something like 8-9 times in his two epistles to the Thessalonians!! (not...
  14. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    The outcome of the rapture of the Church is shown way back in Rev4-5, where the 24 elders sitting on 24 thrones and wearing the already-awarded "stephanous / crowns" are saying, in 5:9, "hast redeemed US to God by Thy blood out-of EVERY..." and that's BEFORE Jesus will STAND to JUDGE by His...
  15. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...well as what else happens at that time (its purposes, one could say). Major theme throughout NT epistles, btw. = ) ____________ I said, the ones Rev13 is speaking of HAD NOT COME TO FAITH IN CHRIST *BEFORE* THE RAPTURE HAD TAKEN PLACE, this is why they were not "raptured" (logic 101 ;) ...
  16. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    @Truthmighhtmare 's Post #400, "Why haven't these saints been raptured?" Number 1, because "rapture" does NOT pertain to them. Number 2, because they had not come to faith in Christ prior to the point in time when the "rapture" (pertaining SOLELY TO "the Church which is His body," i.e. ALL...
  17. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    @Truthnightmare 's Post #391 (top line, where you'd put "since I don't believe in a rapture"), What we call "rapture" is G726 harpagēsometha (used in 1Th4:17, and elsewhere) and basically means to "snatch" one from one place to another. This same G726 word is used in Rev12:5, where it states...
  18. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ..."RETURN" there (2nd Coming to the earth Rev19), and IS the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom age (or at least its inauguration). It is not the purpose of "our Rapture" (we won't be "feasting" when we're raptured [/caught up]--that's not WHEN the "feast" takes place, nor where)
  19. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Revelation 7:9-17 is NOT a "rapture" passage. Those are saints who will have come to faith in Christ FOLLOWING "our Rapture" when they are IN the Trib years [7yrs], i.e. the "in quickness [noun]" time period that Rev1:1 is speaking to [1:1 / 4:1 / 1:19c]... and "coming out of the GREAT...
  20. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ..."a great multitude... of all the nations" who are shown "coming out of the great tribulation" (Rev7:9,14) as having anything to do with "our Rapture"... because I do not. The latter verses of that chpt (vv.15b-17) correspond with Isaiah 49:10, and earthly Millennial Kingdom passage / context...