Search results for query: tribulation

  1. T

    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    "sawdust" isn't saying that he himself holds such a view. "sawdust" is perceiving that "Inquisitor" does hold such a view, and is addressing that matter with him, in that post you've quoted of his.
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    The "REST" of the dead spoken on IN THAT CONTEXT (19:21 "REMNANT / REST were SLAIN"--the UNSAVED--and v.18c "ALL"--the UNSAVED! [existing on the earth at that point in the chronology]) "THIS is the resurrection the first [ADJ]" (v.5b)... is not saying, "this [what you see in v.4b] is the...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    Not true. Rev5:9-10 says otherwise - "...SHALL REIGN ON THE EARTH" (said of a distinct group from that of the Rev20:4b "last-half-of-Trib saints" who are martyred/beheaded IN THAT TIME-FRAME alone). What you seem to be suggesting is, that ALL OTHER...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    I know that MANY folks [incorrectly] believe that UNBELIEVERS / the UNSAVED will be who ENTERS the Millennial Kingdom age (contrary to all that the Gospels have to say about that!)... and they *think* this [muchly-]BECAUSE they place the "Sheep and goat [separation-]judgment" (Matt25:31-46) at...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    Right. But they are not THE ONLY ONES who "reign" with Christ. (See Rev5:9-10 / 1:5-6 / 2:26-27). The ones being spoken of in 20:4b (you are quoting) are simply the last ones to be *killed / martyred / beheaded* [in 2nd HALF of Trib] (and resurrected in time FOR the MK age); The ones in 20:4a...
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    One will be taken, one left

    ...And he was taken up well BEFORE the flood-judgment came upon the earth. Noah (and crew) are a picture of who will make it through the tribulation period and will enter the earthly MK age in their mortal bodies (being the ONLY ONES who will have the capacity to reproduce / bear children...
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    One will be taken, one left

    ...Mk14:62; Lk9:26; Lk18:8; Lk12:40; Lk21:27[,36]; ... there may be others ... so, how many of those passages go into detail regarding the tribulation period which will exist [then] and lead up to that point? Not many. But that doesn't change the fact that these are speaking to that (His...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    ^ I believe one of the primary purposes of the future Tribulation Period (7 years--what the bulk of Revelation is describing) is to bring Israel into the New Covenant. I've said: Matt24:29-31 / Isaiah 27:9,12-13 (at the "GREAT" trumpet) corresponds with both Romans 11:27 and Daniel 9:24 [parts]...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    :) Hi Omegatime, I was just coming on here to respond to your OP question when I noticed this post of yours ^ (and I'm detecting a slight difference from your original one). Here, your question doesn't make full sense, to me. Could you perhaps *define* how you are using the word ^ (I put in...
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    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Yeah, a great deal of @DavyP 's notion (of the chronology and timing) of Tribulation events, seems to HINGE on his flawed understanding of the "plural" word in v.24 (of Matt24), which he incorrectly states is "singular". My, how one little mistaken *idea* (injected INTO the text) can throw off...
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    Will There Be A Rapture?

    "Pre-trib Rapture" is not the position saying our Rapture takes place before the "GREAT tribulation" (before the "SECOND HALF" of the 7 yr period); that's "MID-tribbers" who believe that. It seems by your response that perhaps you didn't read past my first sentence. Sorry to hear it...
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    Will There Be A Rapture?

    The origin of the phrase / notion of "SECRET rapture" [was not from Darby] started with Edward Irving (an "Historicist," not a PRE-tribber), and one of his followers being Margaret MacDonald (the gal who had supposed "visions"... but her "visions" described a "POST-trib Rapture," just as the one...
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    Will There Be A Rapture?

    I've already pointed out... that these two passages ^ are speaking of WHAT HAD ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN ABOUT in Isaiah 27:9,12-13. It is NOT covering the Subject of "OUR [the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY's] episynagoges UNTO HIM"... TO THE MEETING OF THE LORD *IN THE AIR* (I've shown the CONTRAST...
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    Will There Be A Rapture?

    The "GREAT tribulation" is ONLY the LATTER HALF of the 7-year period; so already you have misrepresented the "pre-trib Rapture" doctrine, in just your first sentence. :) What you are describing here ^ is NOT "pre-trib Rapture" doctrine, but the "MID-trib Rapture" stance which believes our...
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    The church, Paul agrees, Post Tribulation.

    :) This idea that the "6th seal" and the "6th trump" and the "6th vial" all take place at the same time, is only just so much human reasoning. Even your own words (in these two posts of yours) evidence this. Didn't you just say
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    Trump Promises a "bloody story" if Elected

    ...the future, specific, LIMITED time-period, leading up to Christ's Second Coming to the earth (i.e. the 7-year period commonly called "The Tribulation Period")... this isn't referring to all people of all times. --"the least of these my brethren" (vv.40,45) are [will be] "the believing...
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    Will There Be A Rapture?

    But notice... @PennEd did NOT list that passage in Matthew 24 as being "pre-trib rapture" (because "rapture" is NOT its CONTEXT. So, we pre-tribbers are NOT calling this Matt24 passage a proof for "pre-trib Rapture" because Jesus' Subject here in this passage is not covering "Rapture" but His...
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    The truth about the Rapture

    No, the Subject of the FALSE CLAIM (v.2) is that the Day of the Lord is already here (i.e. THE TRIBULATION PERIOD--horizontal TIME PERIOD [on the earth]); Paul had already made clear (in 1Th5:1-3) that the Thessalonians "KNOW PERFECTLY" *what* the Day of the Lord IS (and that its ARRIVAL is...
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    The truth about the Rapture

    I understand what you're conveying. I think you maybe missed what I was saying. I'm saying that you have completely LEFT OUT the Subject of the false claim that Paul is cautioning about in verse 2 (others "[purporting] that THE DAY OF THE LORD is present / is already here [perfect indicative...
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    The truth about the Rapture

    I want to ask this because I desire to come to a clearer understanding of your viewpoint, I hope you don't mind. :) If (according to your scenario) ALL saints of all times are "raptured [thus 'glorified']" at the point in time of His Second Coming to the earth (Rev19 time-slot), then WHO would...