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    Let's Have a Very Controversial Conversation About Peanut Butter and Jelly!

    I like pnut butter. I like jelly. But not together. My fave is a spoonful of pnut butter or almond butter stuck into a bag of chocolate chips, and mashed into the pnut butter. My own version of Reese’s candy. I put jelly onmy buttered toast. That’s it.😋
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    New to Christian Chat

    I appreciate your response. It’s always good to know that my heart & my words helped someone. Thank you.
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    Alone or lonely

    I’m alone (for many years)but not lonely. I do get bored. I have a couple of fur babies that make me laugh. They’re like little children. I find things to do, even if it’s going to the post office, or thrift store where women are a bit more likely to talk to you. When you rise each morning...
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    I’m new here. Hello to all.

    I’m in Oklahoma. Single senior. Would like to chat, but this seems more like emails. Am I doing it wrong?😵‍💫
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    New to Christian Chat

    You may feel alone or lonely, but rest assured that you are never alone. There are angels watching over & listening to you. God is with you 24/7/365. At a time when I could not pray, talk to anyone, & suffering emotionally, I went to bed and slept with my Bible hugged up in my arms. Read Is...