Search results for query: adam blood

  1. cv5

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    ...or doing the WORK of Christ. That is not what the Bible is saying nor me. From earlier posts: =cv5&o=date']Search results for query: adam blood - Christian Chat Rooms & Forums ============================================================================================== "Adam sweat great...
  2. cv5

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    The state of every person born of Adam. Until they are redeemed..... Luk 10:30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. Half dead = first death...
  3. cv5

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    No, he definitely DID NOT believe that. On the contrary, Adam sweat great drops of blood in the garden agonizing over his deliberate (NOT DECEIVED per 1 Tim 2:14) FREE WILL choice to be SEPARATED (aka ***die***) from his God in a calculated gambit to SAVE his bride the Woman. Which of course is...
  4. cv5

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR

    The issue is actually SEPARATION. By God's definition, death is SEPARATION from Him. Eternal death = eternal separation. G2920 κρίσις krisis Thayer Definition: 1) a separating, sundering, separation Adam did not keel over when he ate the fruit. But he did willingly decide to DIE aka SEPARATE...
  5. cv5

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    They can do what fallen Adam did. Who, after the fall, made TWO RIGHT CHOICES. This after he made the WRONG CHOICE (while he was yet the perfect man in perfect fellowship with God) while sweating great drops of blood in the garden. So much for the total depravity heresy.
  6. cv5

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    There is no doubt whatsoever that both Adam and Eve were saved post-fall. Therefore, the SEPARATION (aka spiritual death) would inevitably be fully restored (aka eternal life) by the Redeemer. The fact of which was demonstrated to them in the death of the lambs and the covering by their skins...
  7. cv5

    3 Reasons Jesus Did Not Go To Hell

    The issue is actually SEPARATION. By God's definition, death is SEPARATION from Him. Eternal death = eternal separation. G2920 κρίσις krisis Thayer Definition: 1) a separating, sundering, separation Adam did not keel over when he ate the fruit. But he did willingly decide to DIE aka...
  8. cv5

    What is the reason for Christ Jesus' (the last Adam) agony in the garden?

    Garden of course....mount of olives. Olives, which shed their oil by CRUSHING. Luk 22:44 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. Adam not deceived, Christ Jesus also not deceived (Matt 4). 1Ti 2:14 And Adam...
  9. cv5

    Pro 31:21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.

    To my point, recall God clothing Adam and Eve in "skins". They too were "clothed in the Blood"......and they knew it. Fig leaves = covering by works of men Skins provided by God = garments Blood fitted for salvation
  10. cv5

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    You've got that all wrong. The term "deny" the Greek carries with it the idea of "contradict". Then read verse 13. Go way back to Genesis Chapter 3:24. After the trial, confession and acquittal (and covering by The Blood) of both Adam and Eve, God set cherubim to guard access to the tree of...
  11. cv5

    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    The first Adam is the "Federal Head" of fallen mankind. The Last Adam is the Federal Head of redeemed mankind. We needed a blood transfusion and Christ, the seed of the woman, provided it. Also it isa legal inheritance issue as much as anything else. God's justice must be satisfied.
  12. cv5

    everything is predestined?

    Oh....and yet ANOTHER absolute proof of free will in the garden: BOTH Adam and Eve REFUSED to eat of the tree of life after they had fallen. God THEN guarded it.....(which is His surety of his promise to redeem Adam and Eve AND US after their AND OUR confession) of the truth and covering them...
  13. cv5

    The Young Messiah

    Adam sinned in a calculated save Eve. And it worked. Because Adam knew His God. Both confessed their sin at their trial and were aquitted and were "covered" by The Blood. Neither was condemned. Satan was identified as the villian and condemned.
  14. cv5

    Works Complete Faith?

    Listen friend and let this sink in: We do NOT show our works/effort to God as a means to salvation. WE SHOW THE BLOOD OF JESUS TO GOD! Thats it and that all. Covered with the blood Genesis 3:21. Blood on the doorposts and lintel. Blood of every animal sacrifice since Adam. Wake up.
  15. cv5


    Of course he answered in the affirmative. Truthfully. Adam v 12: "and I did eat" Eve v 13: "and I did eat" BTW, we likewise sincerely and truthfully confess our own sin and receive our own acquittal by the same method: by being forgiven and "covered" by the Blood.
  16. cv5

    Once saved always saved (OSAS) debunked

    Just to let you know, the example of God "guarding" the way to the tree of life (preventing Adam and Eve from eating of it in their now fallen state) is proof positive of OSAS. Remember, both sincerely confessed their sins, and God "covered them with The Blood" aka saved/redeemed them firstly...
  17. cv5

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    Couple of thoughts: -Genesis 3:9-19 is God literally convening court with a trial and judgment. This may have taken some time and there may have been unknown numbers of angelic witnesses both fallen and unfallen -Adam renamed his wife Eve, the mother of all living.....because he was thrilled at...
  18. cv5

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    God convened a trial. The perpetrators spoke truthfully, identified the culprit, sincerely confessed their sin and failure and rebellion. God then graciously acquitted them of their crimes, and subsequently covered them in skins (blood), as an object lesson, sign and mnemonic of the coming Lamb...
  19. cv5

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    FYI.....there is no doubt whatsoever that BOTH Adam and Eve are saved aka "covered by The Blood". And by precisely the same means (faith in the One to come) as are Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Frankly, I find it concerning if not alarming that you fail to understand this......:rolleyes:
  20. cv5

    Ukraine the bad guy?

    Sacrificing the lives of others so a (very wicked) few can get filthy rich....IMO. Using the standard geopolitical playbook and sycophantic fawning crisis actors aka politicians. Do these actors, player and combatants know that the lake of fire awaits? Evidently not, because if they did, they...