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  1. B

    Praying for a Marriage miracle

    My wife and I been separated since May 1st. Our 13 year wedding anniversary this month. I love her and want to go home. Asking for her heart to be soften and she be willing to get counseling or help. Don't know why she hates me so much. Was accuses of a crime but dismissed. I forgive her and...
  2. B

    Prayer for Marriage, Family and Continue Freedom

    Wanted to give a praise report and a BIG thank you to everyone that was praying for me... Just informed by my Lawyer that my criminal case was rejected and no charges were filed. I thank God and all of you for your prayers! Please continue to pray for my family cases. The devil is attacking...
  3. B

    Sexual Sin?

    Look.... I didn't say I did these things things. I am asking a question. I'm curious. Why do you feel the right to judge me when you don't know me or if I actually participate in these things.
  4. B

    Sexual Sin?

    I'm pretty sure. lol, I'm 39 and have been married for 13 years. Just wanted some opinions as I get mixed answers. Just like I am getting here. lol I was told as a kid that it's a sin to masturbate and watch porn, which is true as I'm lusting after women I'm not married to. but was also told...
  5. B

    Sexual Sin?

    Makes sense. I guess I used the wrong wording. I should have said desire?
  6. B

    Sexual Sin?

    I never heard it being a sin for spilling the seed.. What about birth control ( condom). Or "pulling out"? Or what if I had a vasectomy?
  7. B

    Sexual Sin?

    Growing up, I was told all masturbation was a sin. Matthew 5:28 says "But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart." To me, this means Porn/Masturbation is a sin. My question is, is it a sin to masturbate...
  8. B

    Prayer for Marriage, Family and Continue Freedom

    The devil has been attacking me and my family in ways I could not imagine ever since I decided to read my Bible again and spend more time with God. May 1st, I came home from work to the police waiting for me. I was accused of a serious crime against my daughter and was arrested. My parents...