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    Started a YouTube channel for Christian punk/rock

    As a fellow musician who also shares content online, I can really appreciate the vibe you're bringing with your Christian rock tracks. I've also started incorporating videos about my songwriting process and behind-the-scenes footage, which my audience really enjoys. When I record tutorials or...
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    Loss of salvation???

    It's a common question with lots of different views. From my experience, salvation isn't a one-time thing you lose just because you mess up. But yeah, if someone's really strayed, getting back on track involves repentance and asking for forgiveness. Scripture backs this up in a bunch of places...
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    Keeping Things Under Wraps! What Are YOU Hiding Under the Covers? ( What is Your Sleep Routine?)

    I can relate to being picky about temperature. For winding down, I stick with a good book or music. One pillow and a cozy blanket usually do the trick, though I layer up if it's cold. As for sharing a bed, compromise would be key if our sleep styles clash. And those childhood fears of monsters...
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    How do you get saved?

    Getting saved is really about making a personal decision to invite Jesus into your life. I remember when I did it, it was a simple prayer like that. Finding a church or a community to share your journey with can be a big help too. It’s a personal thing, but it helps to have support along the way.