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  1. P

    Over coming brain damage in childhood

    Hello, everyone! My aunt came to visit my mother and grandmother recently. She's elderly, and it may be the last time they all sit adound the table together. Today they were talking about a distant cousin's son. He had a garage collapse on him as a young boy and suffered damage to his frontal...
  2. P

    Forgiveness and love for a lost person

    Dear all, A year ago I betrayed a dear friend. I loved her, but my heart was dark. Out of bitterness for what I percieved to be emotional abuse and deceit, I lied to her. She slept with a married man, and I told her that I informed his wife. I did it to cause her harm in the form of emotional...
  3. P

    New Christian, the Power of Prayer

    Hello, all! I am filled with the holy spirit, sincerely and undeniably. Life is still challenging, and I am still weak, but the spirit lifts me back on my feet when I faulter. I am looking for a community of others baptized in the spirit, without bigotry or prejudice, towards those of any faith...