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  1. T

    Does the Tree of Life overcome the tree of knowledge?

    I was in a group once that was heavily influenced by a leader with a vision. The leader's revelation was based on the Bible. Everyone was earnest, enthusiastic and sincere, at least as much as folks can be. But there were two big problems. The first was that the Bible conformed to the Vision...
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    Does the Tree of Life overcome the tree of knowledge?

    Beware of parables not related to scripture, but instead on contemporary imagination. I doubt that any of the writers of scripture would say, "Our brain looks like a tree." Probably, none of them had actually seen a brain. So why impose current understanding on their words? David perhaps had...
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    Does the Tree of Life overcome the tree of knowledge?

    This has been an interesting discussion. I appreciate the Bible verses which make it clear. Discernment between good and evil is a matter of maturity in life, the result of continual exercise to be obedient to God's word. Hebrews 5:13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not...
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    Does the Tree of Life overcome the tree of knowledge?

    In Isaiah 7 the Messiah is said to have knowledge (wisdom) to choose between evil and good.
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    Does the Tree of Life overcome the tree of knowledge?

    Most of our readers would agree that there is a singular person in history. He is variously called the Ruler of the House of Jacob (Luke 1:33) and Son of David (Luke 18:38), among other titles. Paul calls him the Last Adam (1 Cor 15:45). We call him Jesus, Master, and Lord. Isaiah 7 has an...
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    Does the Tree of Life overcome the tree of knowledge?

    Yes, disobedience brings separation and death. For confirmation, see the fall of the angels - "They kept not their first estate" which was ordained for them. They trespassed and went where they weren't supposed to go. Because they are angels they were not killed by Death, but kept in bondage for...
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    Does the Tree of Life overcome the tree of knowledge?

    For confirmation see Hebrews 5:8,9 "Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from what He suffered. And having been made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him." We don't see "life" here but obedience to God's word bringing perfection and salvation. And...
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    Does the Tree of Life overcome the tree of knowledge?

    So how does the "multitude of individuals" of Revelation 22:2 getting healed by the leaves differ, if at all, from the "multitude of individuals" elsewhere in the NT? Paul for instance, keeps saying how he was commissioned to preach to the "ethnos" and this is put in contradistinction to the...
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    Does the Tree of Life overcome the tree of knowledge?

    I don't know how to edit so will tag this onto the other post. Small correction to the quote above: It was supposed to be Revelation 22:2, not verse 1. Then we have Revelation 22:19, where disobedience to the prophecy is warned against. "And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of...
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    Does the Tree of Life overcome the tree of knowledge?

    To my knowledge the tree of life is spoken of thrice in the NT, all in John's Revelation on Patmos. In Proverbs, it is spoke of several times, all related to attention and obedience to God's speaking, word, wisdom (3:18; 11:30; 13:12; 15:4) In the fourth gospel, Jesus said, "For me, my food is...
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    Does the Tree of Life overcome the tree of knowledge?

    It does help. But the question was on the nations and the leaves. Does the word "ethnon" mean anything different here, from the 40-odd times it's used elsewhere in the NT? How do "leaves" distinguish from "fruit"? If the fruit brings the spiritual gifts you cited, why don't the "ethnon" get them...
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    Does the Tree of Life overcome the tree of knowledge?

    I believe it says the "nations" will get the leaves. What do you think that means? Rev 22:2 speaks of fruits, but the "nations" don't get the fruits they get the leaves. Also seems to be related to Rev 21:24 where the "Nations" walk in the light and bring tribute. To me this echoes Paul in...
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    The Spiritual Man - Watchman Nee

    Isn't Watchman Nee the guy who got caught plagiarizing Jessie Penn-Lewis?