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  1. MarcRedLetterMinistry

    Jesus Christ is God and the Messiah

    Yes correct, I said it was when Seth who was born and they called on the name of the Lord but that was incorrect as it was Enosh as you mentioned. Do you believe there could be something significant we could be missing regarding this we have the first martyr in Abel then Seth is born in his...
  2. MarcRedLetterMinistry

    Jesus Christ is God and the Messiah

    Yes we are on the same page there I pointed it out to a man who has been walking with God 60 years but has never seen the correlation how can that be possible?
  3. MarcRedLetterMinistry

    Jesus Christ is God and the Messiah

    Yes I believe they coincide with each other I would love to hear your point of view seems you felt convicted to have a point on both that and Adam and Seth. God bless you Brother!
  4. MarcRedLetterMinistry

    Jesus Christ is God and the Messiah

    Hi Bluto, definitely brother see above!
  5. MarcRedLetterMinistry

    Jesus Christ is God and the Messiah

    If Adam was created in the image on God and Adams only son is Seth in his gemology in the bible are missing something in regards to who Adam and Seth are and why did the people start calling on the name of the Lord when Seth was born. God Bless Brother
  6. MarcRedLetterMinistry

    Jesus Christ is God and the Messiah

    JOHN 1 The Word Becomes Human 1In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was already with God in the beginning. 3Everything came into existence through him. Not one thing that exists was made without him. 4He was the source of life, and that...