Search results for query: rapture

  1. T

    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    ...MK age in their mortal bodies. [these are persons / saints having come to faith in Christ IN / DURING / WITHIN the Trib yrs, FOLLOWING "our Rapture"] Daniel 12:12 speaks to this also, where it says, "BLESSED is he that WAITETH and COMETH TO the 1335 days" (corresponding with about 8-9...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    ...and prophesied earthly Millennial Kingdom age") So yes, it has already been taken into consideration by those of us holding the pre-trib rapture view. Zech 14 has not been overlooked or missed, and also "fits" perfectly into its proper place. This [as 'believers'/saints/the righteous]...
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    One will be taken, one left

    ...? [again, for the readers (for clarity): I believe there will be people who will be coming to faith in Christ FOLLOWING "our Rapture," when they are IN the Trib yrs--"our Rapture [/SNATCH - G726]" does not pertain to them... they will never "lift off" the earth, but will be PRESENT...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture NOT "the [invited] GUESTS [PLURAL]"... though both ARE SAVED PERSONS! ;) ]; SOME saints [who came to faith IN / DURING / WITHIN the trib yrs, FOLLOWING "our Rapture"] will STILL BE ALIVE at the time of His Second Coming to the earth, and SO will ENTER the MK age IN THEIR MORTAL BODIES)
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    One will be taken, one left

    ...So my question to you is, WHO is the "lord" of that servant, in this verse, in your view? [for the readers (for clarity): I do believe there will be people coming to faith in Christ FOLLOWING "our Rapture," when THEY are IN the TRIB yrs--"our Rapture [/SNATCH]" does not pertain to them]
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    ...God" (of one nation: Israel) will be among the first to "UNDERSTAND" these very things (they will have come to faith in Christ FOLLOWING "our Rapture"... so I'm not saying these are UNSAVED [/unbelieving] of Israel). Once one sees it, one cannot UNSEE it (meaning, the ENTIRE "7 year...
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    One will be taken, one left

    ...our point. lol I'm going to have to say that I agree with "sawdust's" response to you, on this point. That the "context" is not about "our Rapture" in these verses. I do understand where you are coming from though (as many of us were taught it the way you are presenting these passages, many...
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    One will be taken, one left

    ..."left" (who are "left" to remain on the earth for the EARTHLY MK age, in their mortal bodies, just as in Noah's day)... neither are being "raptured / snatched / caught-up [IN THE AIR--to the meeting of the Lord]," as that is NOT its CONTEXT, here! :) Yes, we DO believe there IS a...
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    One will be taken, one left

    ...Noah were..."] to that of both Gen9:1 and Dan2:35c ["[actively] fill / filled the [whole] earth"]--commencing at the start of the earthly Millennial Kingdom age) It is not a "rapture" passage or context (in that, neither the one "taken" nor the one "left" is "raptured / snatched / caught-up")
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    :) Hi Omegatime, I was just coming on here to respond to your OP question when I noticed this post of yours ^ (and I'm detecting a slight difference from your original one). Here, your question doesn't make full sense, to me. Could you perhaps *define* how you are using the word ^ (I put in...
  11. T

    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    Correct! (y) What many folks do not realize, is that Paul (in these two epistles) references our Rapture (or its effects, etc) something like 8-9 TIMES (not merely in the ONE verse that most acknowledge to be referring to it: 1Th4:17! ['caught-up']). Paul, in these two epistles, is covering...
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    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    The kjv unfortunately "leaves off" the definite article ('the') that is actually in the text (with this word); The Greek has a word for "to fall"... the Greek word "pipto" (like one can see in Hebrews 6:6); but the word under present discussion is not that word; This word also does not...
  13. T

    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    ...of "the beginning of birth PANGS [PLURAL]," which I've explained ["BoBPs"="SEALS"]). The reason (or one) MANY do not "see" PRE-TRIB RAPTURE in Paul's words (2Th2 and 1Th) IS BECAUSE they improperly DEFINE "the Day of the Lord" AS STARTING / ARRIVING *AT* "Christ's SECOND COMING [Rev19],"...
  14. T

    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    I do see them as fairly "lock-step"... They RUN concurrently, as in, WE GO UP and immediately "the day of the Lord" (earthly time period of Judgments) unfolds upon the earth, commencing with "the man of sin be revealed" (i.e. Seal #1)... Hence the reason for the "SNATCH [G726]"! and the wording...
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    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    ...on the white horse WITH A "BOW" ['bow' often meaning 'DECEPTION']... which corresponds with 2Th2:9-10a[,3b,6,8a]... which corresponds with Dan11:36a... which corresponds with Dan9:27a[,26b]... etc... ALL OF THESE being at the STARTING-POINT of the "7 year period" [and all FOLLOWING "our...
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    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    Agree with your post. Right! (y) Amos 5:18 - Berean Standard Bible Woe to you who long for the Day of the LORD! What will the Day of the LORD be for you? It will be darkness and not light. King James Bible Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of...
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    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    ...people take. Bottom line is, these first 2 verses ALONE are SUFFICIENT to discern the proper sequence between two distinct things (v.1's Rapture... and v.2's "false claim" about the day of the Lord [TRIB-period judgments] purportedly being already present, already unfolding upon the...
  18. T

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    "Pre-trib Rapture" is not the position saying our Rapture takes place before the "GREAT tribulation" (before the "SECOND HALF" of the 7 yr period); that's "MID-tribbers" who believe that. It seems by your response that perhaps you didn't read past my first sentence. Sorry to hear it...
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    Will There Be A Rapture?

    The origin of the phrase / notion of "SECRET rapture" [was not from Darby] started with Edward Irving (an "Historicist," not a PRE-tribber), and one of his followers being Margaret MacDonald (the gal who had supposed "visions"... but her "visions" described a "POST-trib Rapture," just as the one...
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    Christ's Signs of the End

    Amen, brother. All of the biblically-defined *signs* take place FOLLOWING "our Rapture"... ... and LEAD UP TO (pointing toward) His Second Coming TO THE EARTH time-slot (Rev19). (Not to "our Rapture".) ["the beginning of birth PANGS"="the SEALS" of Rev6... BOTH CONTEXTS of which take...