Search results for query: daniel 9

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: 9
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    Well, that verse shows his "intention / aim / objective"... but he's not successful in his endeavor entirely, otherwise 1) Rev15:2 couldn't say (as it does) "...them that GOT THE VICTORY OVER the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name..." ; Now while it is...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    I know I've stated this before, but I'll say it again here: [a few brief points, coz I don't have a lot of time for typing right now] --Rev1:1 / 1:19c / 4:1 = 9[TO SHEW unto..] ...things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" (not "soon [adverb]"); --"the beginning of birth PANGS" =...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    Right. But they are not THE ONLY ONES who "reign" with Christ. (See Rev5:9-10 / 1:5-6 / 2:26-27). The ones being spoken of in 20:4b (you are quoting) are simply the last ones to be *killed / martyred / beheaded* [in 2nd HALF of Trib] (and resurrected in time FOR the MK age); The ones in 20:4a...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    Nah. Many of us believe that the "whose COMING / ADVENT / ARRIVAL / PRESENCE / PAROUSIA" of him (per 2Th2:9a) starts way back at Daniel 11:36, where that text states, 19And the king shall do according to his will" [i.e. regime-change language used elsewhere in Daniel, to refer to a new leader, in...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    The word "FIRST [ADJ]" in this passage does not carry the meaning of "first IN TIME"... but first IN QUALITY. We know this, because the sentence, saying "THIS is the resurrection the first [adj]" has the word "THIS" pointing back to what v.4b was talking about: those martyred/beheaded/killed...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    ...Israel into the New Covenant. I29ve said: Matt24:29-31 / Isaiah 27:9,12-13 (at the "GREAT" trumpet) corresponds with both Romans 11:27 and Daniel 9:24 [parts] which latter verse is in the context of a specific "time-prophecy" concerning "THY [Daniel's] people" (Israel) and "THY [Daniel's]...
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    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    Why did Irenaeus (130-202 AD) write the following (and wrote this AFTER the time that the 39temple" had been destroyed): "2. Moreover, he (the apostle) has also pointed out this which I have shown in many ways, that the temple in Jerusalem was made by the direction of the true God. For the...
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    Will There Be A Rapture?

    ...trumpet / sound of a trumpet, in Isaiah 27:9,12-13 PARALLELS "Matthew 24:29-31" (which Isaiah passage ALSO PARALLELS both Romans 11:27 and Daniel 9:24 [parts]... ALL regarding "ISRAEL'S *FUTURE*"--not about *us*/"the Church which is His body"); --the 49Come, my people," in Isaiah 26:13-21...
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    Will There Be A Rapture?

    ...IS HIS BODY]--just like how Matt24:29-31 / Isaiah 27:9,12-13 [one Subject] corresponds with both Romans 11:27 [please see that text] AND Daniel 9:24 [parts; please see that text], whose Subject is "thy [Daniel's] people, ISRAEL... their *future* when they have come to faith IN / DURING /...
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    Pope Francis speaking in Singapore

    Right. I do not believe that is its intended meaning. I think Jack Kelley expresses it most succinctly, in the following statement (there's a bit more at the link), where he says, "I believe “the one who is desired by women” is a reference to the Lord. Traditionally it was every Jewish...
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    Will There Be A Rapture?

    ^ When Paul said, in 1Cor15:51[,-54] (addressing "the Church which is His body"), 59Behold, I SHEW *you* A MYSTERY...," he wasn't getting ready to tell [the same thing] that which ALL *OT* saints already WELL-KNEW (like Job knew in Job 19:25-27... like Daniel knew in Daniel 12:13... like Martha...
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    Will There Be A Rapture?

    ...Isaiah 27:9,12-13 (about a SPECIFIC THING)... --so Isaiah 27:9 (of that context) CONNECTS with both Romans 11:27 (and context); as well as Daniel 9:24 [parts] and its context pertaining to "____ ARE DETERMINED UPON *thy* [Daniel's] people, AND UPON *thy* [Daniel's] holy city"--the PEOPLE WHO...
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    Dan 9:25 7 weeks & 62 weeks

    I can AGREE with you on THIS ^ point. :) (Because the parts of His Olivet Discourse covering the "70ad events" SAY NOTHING about 69AOD"--Lk21:12-24a,b; Matt24:1-2; Mk13:1-2; and Lk21:5-6). But let me ask you some related questions, @GaryA . Don't you believe (as I do) that the following...
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    Will there be a fourth temple in Jerusalem?

    He said (v.32), "This generation shall not pass away TILL ALL shall have taken place"... ...and the "ALL" here must necessarily INCLUDE Jesus' words regarding the "OF VERY-LENGTHY-DURATION" items v.24 had just spelled out (including its own 79UNTIL" concept [v.24's]--"Jerusalem... TRODDEN DOWN...
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    Dan 9:25 7 weeks & 62 weeks

    Let me be clear here; Dan11:31 was "future" to when written (in Daniel); but "PAST" from the time Jesus spoke His words in Matt24:15,21--Jesus was referencing the "FAR-FUTURE89 AOD, the one 90spoken of by the prophet Daniel91 in Dan12:11 (not the one 92PAST93 to Him/them, in Dan11:31, the one in...
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    Dan 9:25 7 weeks 94 62 weeks

    Disagree. One is PAST history (Dan11:31 in 165/167bc); the other is FUTURE [FAR-FUTURE] (Dan12:11) and the one Jesus was referencing specifically (AS 95future96--97when ye SHALL SEE [future tense]...98) I agree that Dan11:31 speaks of the PAST one (pertaining to 99A4E"); But I DISAGREE that...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...and as a side note to the above... Daniel 12:1-4,1 is parallel language to that found in: --Ezekiel 37:12-14,20-23 (the "dry bones" prophecy about Israel's future); --Hosea 5:14-6:3 (same); --Isaiah 26:13-21,19 (same); --Romans 11:15 "...what shall the receiving of them [Israel] be, but...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Again, IF by your word "THIS" you are referring to the "GREAT tribulation," then YES I pointed out what DANIEL HAD SAID about it: And in my earlier post, I109d pointed out that Jesus' words in Matt24:15 (AOD [singular/singular]) connect back to Daniel 12:11!
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Please be specific. I covered a lot of ground in that post; so I'm not sure what SPECIFICALLY you are meaning by your word "this" (daniel also spoke of THIS... this what? do you mean?) If you're meaning "GREAT tribulation," yes... I showed where he is saying HALF OF THE SEVEN YEARS ARE...
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    Will there be a fourth temple in Jerusalem?

    Wherever Paul talks about us as "temple," in the Greek he does not use the 119definite article ['the']"... ( -- [your verse] ) ... yet in the two eschatological passages (2Th2:4 and Rev11:1) the phrase IS "THE temple of God" (the latter...