Search results for query: fasting

  1. ImstillHealing


    I am new to fasting, are there certain fasts that are better than others. And what to avoid when fasting? If there is already a thread on this Please link.
  2. B

    Good Fasting tips

  3. B


    I’m in a situation where I need to fast but keep giving in around day 2. Coffee is the hardest.
  4. R


    ...pilling up, I'm so depressed, anxious and fearful. I am loosing faith in God and feel so guilty for it. I am immersing myself in prayer and fasting asking God to talk to me to tell me everything is going to be ok and to protect me. I am on my second day, trying to do 5 days. Any suggestions...
  5. R

    Anybody else currently fasting? Need Help

    On my second day. Trying to do 5 days. Any words of encouragement or suggestions. I decided to immerse myself in prayer and fasting because I've been feeling anxious, depressed and suicidal for all my life's tragedies. I am loosing faith in God and am asking him for guidance and maybe something...
  6. oyster67

    Fasting or not to fast? It's Communion time again at our church. My previous pastor used to suggest that we fast before Communion. That got me thinking about where Jesus stood on this matter. Was He for, against, or neutral on the matter of fasting? Is fasting a required part of the Christian...
  7. M

    Fasting like Jesus

    A pastor in Mozambique has died after trying to copy Jesus by fasting for 40 days. He died long before reaching his target. Actually, 40 days is a very very long time. Is it actually possible for any human being to do this? I can only presume Jesus did drink as humans die within a few days...
  8. P

    Revelation after my week of fasting for 2023.

    I started the new year, with mixed feelings. Joy and sorry. My daughter is still estranged and after trying to enjoy the Christmas celebrations my son almost lost his life. I cried out to God why are you taking all my kids from us...I went on a fast, which we normally do first month of the year...
  9. Stephen777


    I take several medications and I wonder how this community feels about fasting. Do you deny your body of everything but water? I have seen there is quite a bit of intelligence on here and would love to hear the different views. I do not drink or smoke however I do smoke marijuana before I go to...
  10. A

    Intermittent Fasting

    ...blood pressure, SIBO, cataracts are starting already in my eyes and I'm only 51!! So as a last ditch effort I've decided to try Intermittent Fasting to lose weight and get my insulin working correctly, etc. Last year I tried, but unsuccessfully. For husband it was totally easy since he likes...
  11. SteveEpperson

    Better Obedience Through Fasting?

    God spoke to me through this passage today: Although he was a son, he learned obedience through the things he suffered. And by being perfected in this way, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him, and he was designated by God as high priest in the order of Melchizedek...
  12. G

    About fasting

    It says that when you fast you should not have any grudge against anyone, if I have a grudge against someone while fasting will there be no reward?
  13. S

    I'm troubled by Fasting.

    I got no idea how to put fasting into my busy life. In fact I'm already loosing weight! I never totally understood fasting. It's like, I discipline myself, and pray, then God gives me what I want in return? There was only one time in my life when I fasted. It was for a youth meeting. I...
  14. R

    Fasting, how to you do it and how often?

    Do you just drink water or tea all day? Do you do it for 12hrs, 24hrs? Are you in constant prayer? Do you do it to ask God for one particular thing you have been praying for?
  15. T

    Post-fasting blues: feeling low

    As you may know, I did a 21 day partial fast for my husband who is a non believer. I also was just searching and yearning for more connection and closeness with God. I think about Jesus all the time. If I'm reading, its generally the Bible or a book about God. If I am watching videos, it's a...
  16. MyrtleTrees

    A relative recommended fasting for a week

    A relative of mine recently recommended that I try fasting for a week. It had made her feel better in time past when she tried it. But though it may be good for some - probably it isn't good for others. Our bodies are all different. I have no tendencies for overweight, and am of normal...
  17. E

    Praying and fasting

    Pray that I receive the strength to pray and fast for this deliverance I need. 5 days in.
  18. RebuildJesussChurch

    Intermittent Fasting, Sauna

    ...noticed that inflammation decreases with using the sauna, as well. Earlier this year we added in time restricted eating, or intermittent fasting, and it has also increased our quality of life. We only consume calories between 7am and 3pm. I have a friend who does noon-8pm. Where the...
  19. V

    What Does Fasting Do?

    I understand fasting is to exercise discipline but is there more to it?
  20. N


    Friends, what does fasting exactly mean? Can I eat as usual and fast at the same time?