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    What is the point in being a prophet?

    brother I had a dream.....I made a Alter to the Lord and it was beautiful in it's simplicity and I went away happy, later I returned and the enemy had put gargoyles and flames around it and it made me mad, This instruction is so True
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    What is the point in being a prophet?

    hear my words and how I speak and tell me we are no more? Heavenly Father will always send His messengers to instruct and Help, Hallelujah forever my Father
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    My Favorite Verse from the Quran (so far)

    Judaism is Tradition Islam is Faithfullnuss Christianity is Love
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    Hello my Family

    people prepare to be released
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    Hello my Family

    My People I implore you to deal with the plank in your eyes first for we all long too help our Brothers with clear sight, this Teaching is Faithful and True, if we want to vanquish the enemy it starts with the battle inside us, May The Most High be with us forever, Amen 🙏 My Father
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    A whole new perspective

    we are wrapped up and confined in a system that doesn't value us but Praise be too Yah for He will cut through and release us from the enemy's snares, He has the philosophy that will tear babylon down, Hallelujah!!! my Lord, Revelation chapter 17, the harlots are the churches that do as their...
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    Hello my Family

    Amen and Amen we ARE Redeemed by The Precious Lamb, Thank You Heavenly Father and all Love and Respect too our Brother Yeshua!!!
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    Hello my Family

    hiya tabinRivca an may God bless you too and all His people, Thy Kingdom come!!!
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    What is the point in being a prophet?

    please revere His Name is Yeshua it means Salvation when you call Him that He smiles 😃
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    What is your favorite bible verse and why?

    if the world hates you bear in mind it hated me first
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    Welcome to the Kamala Harris Presidential Campaign

    they've already decided what they want to do
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    Hello my Family

    you want too chat magenta?
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    In need of a savior

    the more you are lifted the more you will Trust, you can't tire Him consult Him in all things and thank Him for the blessings He gives
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    In need of a savior

    He is making room for Himself in your life, seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness and all things will be added
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    In need of a savior

    my Brother that when you are stripped down and weak Heavenly Father will lift you and you will get too know He is Faithful
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    Hello my Family

    a sword is refined in fire, Trust that Heavenly Father will guide us through it to reach our true potential 🙏
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    What is the point in being a prophet?

    Trust In Our Heavenly Father our efforts are not in vain despite what the liar says too us.....he just puts doubt in us because he knows when we reach our true potential Father will be proved Right
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    Hello my Family

    I search through philosophy, science, mathematics, art ,music ,poetry and nothing compares to The Teachings of The Messiah Yeshua Ha Machiah the suffering that I endured for years have been Lifted and I have been refined by pain but I embrace it as an honour that I get to know what they Put...