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  1. Grompilla

    Good morning

    Thank you brother praise god
  2. Grompilla

    Good morning

    Ty and god bless you to
  3. Grompilla

    Good morning

    A mod.? I'm still trying to figure this out. . Lol
  4. Grompilla

    California christian, with No hope for the apostate churches around me

    Hello God is good isnt he i am kinda in the same boat when it comes to Churches. Even though I have learned that church just ai t for Sundays. I have church everyday with God weather I'm talking to him like I'm sitting right next to him or worshipping with music or a nightly bible study. But...
  5. Grompilla

    Hi i am new here and would like to be around others who share similar beliefs

    Good morning and welcome. As a Christian I can honestly say prayer and long conversations with god and reading you bible will help you with your faith.
  6. Grompilla

    Good morning

    Hello everyone I'm new here. I gave my life to Christ last week,for the second time in my life. I know what your thinking "second time" what is this guy talking about.well it's quite a testimony. You see when I was 16yrs old and in high school one of my best friends took me to a Pentecostal...